Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Taylor D.W, Walter H.J, Burch J.B.  1963.  Freshwater snails of the subgenus Hinkleyia (Lymnaeidae: Stagnicola) from the western United States.  Malacologia.  1(2):237-281.  Available from
Taylor TA.  2020.  Ute Ladies’-tresses survey for US Route 20 Highway Improvements, Chester to Ashton, Fremont County, Idaho, 2019..  
Taylor J, Dixon R, Buchler E.  2014.  Dead bats in N. Idaho [memos/emails].  
Taylor D.W.  1982.  Status report on the Utah valvata snail in southwestern Idaho.  
Taylor P..  1990.  Harlequin duck in Manitoba: an update.  Blue Jay.  48(2):98-103.
Taylor DW.  1981.  Freshwater mollusks of California: a distributional checklist.  California Fish and Game.  67(3):140-163.
Taylor D.M, Trost C.H.  1992.  Use of lakes and reservoirs by migrating shorebirds in Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  52(2):179-184.
Taylor D.M, MacBryde B..  1978.  New taxa and nomenclature changes with respect to vascular plants of British Columbia: a descriptive resource inventory.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  56:184-194.
Taylor JR, Evans DK.  1978.  A taxonomic study of the genus Cyperus (Cyperacese) in West Virginia.  Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin.  25(2):64-65.
Taylor D.M.  1989.  Notes on Hells Canyon birds.  Great Basin Naturalist.  49(2):279-287.
Taylor-Grant N..  1995.  Memorandum to Michael Mancuso addressing areas in the Cascade Resource Area surveyed for Haplopappus radiatus.  
Taylor-Grant N..  1995.  Memorandum regarding Lepidium davisii (LEDA) status resulting from Bruneau Resource Area 1995 "water rights" survey.  
Taylor-Grant N, DeBolt A.  1995.  Monitoring of Haplopappus radiatus (Snake River goldenweed) on the Boise District, BLM.  
Taylor-Grant N..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Taylor-Grant, Nancy..  
Taylor-Grant N., DeBolt A..  1995.  Monitoring report for Lepidium davisii: 1988-1994 summary results, Draft.  
Tear T.H, Scott M., Hayward P.H, Griffin B..  1993.  An evaluation of recovery plans: are we taking the low road to recovery?
Tear T.H, Kareiva P., Angermeier P.L, Comer P., Czech B., Kautz R., Landon L., Mehlman D., Murphy K., Ruckelshaus M. et al..  Submitted.  How much is enough? The recurrent problem of setting measurable objectives in conservation Bioscience.  55(10):835-849.
E. Teberg K.  1964.  An extension into Montana of the known range of the salamander Plethodon vandykei idahoensis.  Herpetologica.  19(4):287.  Available from
Teberg K.  1965.  Range extensions of the salamander Plethodon vandykei idahoensis.  Copeia.  1965(2):244.
Teisberg J.  2022.  Presence of grizzly bears in the Selkirk Mountains of Idaho from 2009 - 2021 [Excel spreadsheet].  
Telemeco RS, Abbott KC, Janzen FJ.  2013.  Modeling the effects of climate change-induced shifts in reproductive phenology on temperature-dependent traits.  American Naturalist.  181(5):637-648.  Available from,
Telfair, II R.C, Swepston D.A.  1987.  Analysis of banding and marking nestling anhingas, olivaceous cormorants, roseate spoonbills, ibises, bitterns, herons, and egrets in Texas (1923-1983).  
Telfer E.S.  1992.  Habitat change as a factor in the decline of the western Canadian loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovicianus, population.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  106(3):321-326.
Temeles E.J.  1986.  Reversed sexual size dimorphism: efffect on resource defense and foraging behavior of nonbreeding northern harriers.  Auk.  103:70-78.
Tepedino V.J, Griswold T.L.  1995.  The bees of the Columbia Basin.    Available from