Bibliography and Citations

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Bull E.L.  1989.  Great gray owl: Strix nebulosa.  
Bull E.L.  1980.  Resource partitioning among woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon.  :109pp.
Bull EL, Hohmann JE, Henjum MG.  1987.  Northern pygmy-owl nests in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Raptor Research.  21(2):77-78.
Bull EL, Henjum MG, Rohweder RS.  1988.  Home range and dispersal of great gray owls in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Raptor Research.  22(4):101-106.  Available from
Bull EL, Aubry KB, Wales BC.  2001.  Effects of disturbance on forest carnivores of conservation concern in eastern Oregon and Washington.  Northwest Science.  75(Special):180-184.  Available from
Bull EL, Henjum MG, Rohweder RS.  1988.  Nesting and foraging habitat of great gray owls.  Journal of Raptor Research.  22(4):107-115.  Available from
Bull E.L, Henjum M.G.  1990.  Ecology of the great gray owl.  
Bull E.L, Hohmann J.E.  1993.  Breeding biology of northern goshawks in northeastern Oregon. No. G4.  
Bull E.L, Holthausen R.S, Henjum M.G.  1990.  Techniques for monitoring pileated woodpeckers.  
Bull EL, Meslow E.C.  1977.  Habitat requirements of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Forestry.  75(6):335-337.  Available from
Bull EL, Wales BC.  2001.  Effects of disturbance on birds of conservation concern in eastern Oregon and Washington.  Northwest Science.  75(Special):166-173.  Available from
Bull E.LJGHe, Henjum J.G, Rohweder R.S.  1989.  Diet and optimal foraging of great gray owls.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(1):47-50.
Bull E.L, Holthausen R.S, Marx D.B.  1990.  How to determine snag density.  Western Journal of Applied Forestry.  5(2):56-58.
Bull EL.  1987.  Ecology of the pileated woodpecker in northeastern Oregon.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  51(2):472-481.
Bull E.L, Wales B.C.  2001.  Effects of disturbance on amphibians of conservation concern in eastern Oregon and Washington.  Northwest Science.  75(Special Issue):174-179.
Bull E.L.  1983.  Longevity of snags and their use by woodpeckers. RM-99.  
Bull EL.  2009.  Dispersal of newly metamorphosed and juvenile western toads (Anaxyrus boreas) in northeastern Oregon, USA.  Herpetological Conservation and Biology.  4(2):236-247.  Available from
Bull EL, Pedersen RJ.  1978.  Two methods of trapping adult pileated woodpeckers at their nest cavities.  North American Bird Bander.  3(3):95-99.  Available from
Bukowski BE, Baker WL.  2013.  Historical fire regimes, reconstructed from land-survey data, led to complexity and fluctuation in sagebrush landscapes.  Ecological Applications.  23:546-564.
Buell M.F, Buell H.F.  1975.  Moat bogs in the Itasca Park area, Minnesota.  
Buehler DA.  2000.  Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Poole A, editor. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the American Ornithologists' Union.   p. 40.  Available from
Buehler DA.  2000.  Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).  Birds of North America Online.  (506)  Available from
Buehler D.A, al. et.  1991.  Winter microclimate of bald eagle roosts on the northern Chesapeake Bay.  Auk.  108:612-618.
Buechner H.K.  1953.  Some biotic changes in the state of Washington, particularly during the century 1853-1953.  Washington State College Research Studies.  21(2):154-192.
Budy P., Luecke C, Wurtsbaugh WA, Gross H.P, Gubala C..  1995.  Limnology of Sawtooth Valley Lakes with respect to potential growth of juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon.  Northwest Science.  69(2):133-150.