Bibliography and Citations

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Groth J.G.  1993.  Call matching and positive assortative mating in red crossbills.  Auk.  110:398-401.
North American Loon Fund.  1980.  The Call of the Loon: can it survive?
Clench HK.  1963.  Callophrys (Lycaenidae) from the Pacific Northwest.  Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera.  2(2):151-160.  Available from
Caicco S.L.  1992.  Calochortus nitidus species management guide.  
Prentice C.A.  1993.  Camas milkvetch inventory, Astragalus atratus S. Wats. var. inseptus Barneby.  
Rosentreter R.  1992.  Camas prairie and possible evolutionary links with old world Artemisia species: a presymposium tour. Symposium on Ecology and Management of Riparian Shrub Communities, May 29-31, 1991.  General Technical Report INT-289.  Sun Valley (ID): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station.   p. 223-227.
Greater Yellowstone Coalition.  1993.  Campaign for Greater Yellowstone.  
Heckard L.R.  1980.  Campanula scabrella Engelmann (Campanulaceae).  Madrono.  27:179-180.
Goldstein B.E.  1992.  Can ecosystem management turn an administrative patchwork into a Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem? Northwest Environmental Journal.  8:285-324.
Nokkentved N..  1991.  Can Idaho now tolerate the Endangered Species Act? High Country News.  40936
Housman DC.  2016.  Can rare plant survive climate change? A plan to save the Lane Mountain milkvetch
Walters K, Kosciuch K, Jones J.  2014.  Can the effect of tall structures on birds be isolated from other aspects of development? Wildlife Society Bulletin.  38(2):250-256.  Available from
Laymon SA, Halterman MD.  1987.  Can the western subspecies of Yellow-billed Cuckoo be saved from extinction? Western Birds.  18(1):19-25.  Available from
Yensen E, Quinney DL.  1992.  Can Townsend's Ground Squirrel survive on a diet of exotic annuals? Great Basin Naturalist.  52(3):269-277.
Ruediger B, Claar J, Mighton S, Naney B, Rinaldi T, Wahl F, Warren N, Wenger D, Williamson A, Lewis L et al..  2000.  Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy.  
Ruediger B., Claar J., Gniadek S., Holt B., Lewis L., Mighton S., Naney B., Patton G., Rinaldi T., Trick J. et al..  2000.  Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy.  
Interagency Lynx Biology Team.  2013.  Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy.    Available from
Ruediger B, Claar J, Gniadek S, Holt B, Lewis L, Mighton S, Naney B, Patton G, Rinaldi T, Trick J et al..  2000.  Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy.    Available from
Interagency Lynx Biology Team.  2012.  Canada lynx conservaton assessment and strategy.  
Idaho State Conservation Effort.  1998.  Canada lynx in Idaho: past, present, and future. (Draft).  Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, and Idaho Parks and Recreation. Boise, ID..  
Terra-Berns M, Call P, Harris C, Klott J, Lewis L, Vullo C, Wright G.  1998.  Canada lynx in Idaho: past, present, and future. Idaho Conservation Effort, Draft.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2001.  Candidate and listing priority assignment form: Southern Idaho ground squirrel (Spermophilus brunneus endemicus).  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2007.  Candidate and listing priority assignment form: Tunux Moonwort (Botrychium tunux).  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2002.  Candidate assessment and listing priority assignment form. Botrychium lineare.  
U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2005.  Candidate conservation agreement for Castilleja christi (Christ's indian paintbrush).