Bibliography and Citations

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Sjogren P., Wyoni P..  1994.  Conservation genetics and detection of rare alleles in finite populations.  Conservation Biology.  8(1):267-270.
Skaar D..  1985.  The breeding status of the common loon in Montana: 3rd annual report.  
Skaar D..  0.  Montana common loon management plan.  
Skaar D..  1988.  Creation of a management plan for the common loon in Montana, Abstract.
Skelton C.E.  2001.  New dace of the genus PHOXINUS (Cyprinidae: Cypriniformes) from the Tennessee River drainage, Tennessee.  Copeia.  2001:118-128.
Skerl K.L.  1999.  Spiders in conservation planning: a survey of U.S. Natural Heritage programs.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  3:341-347.
Skinner MW, Ertter B.  1993.  Whither rare plants in The Jepson Manual? Fremontia.  21:23-27.
Skinner MW, Tibor DP, Bittman RL, Ertter B, Ross TS, Boyd S, Sanders AC, Shevock JR, Taylor DW.  1995.  Research needs for conserving California's rare plants.  Madrono.  42(2):211-241.
Skinner QD.  2010.  Field Guide to Wyoming Grasses. Cumming (Georgia): Education Resources Publishing.  
Skinner DM, Jensen JW, Queener G.  2016.  Palouse Prairie field guide: an introductory guide to native plants, agricultural crops and invasive weeds for the curious. Genesee (Idaho): Thron Creek Native Seed Farm.  
Skinner KM, R. Child D.  2000.  Multivariate analysis of the factors influencing changes in Colorado grasshopper abundances.  Journal of Orthoptera Research.  9:103-109.  Available from
Skupski M.P.  1995.  Population ecology of the western harvest mouse, REITHRODONTOMYS MEGALOTIS:.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:358-367.
Slack N.G.  1992.  Rare and endangered bryophytes in New York state and eastern United States: current status and preservation strategies.  Biological Conservation.  59(2:3):233-242.
Slater JR.  1976.  Ribes distribution in Washington State.  Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History University of Puget Sound.  49:668-680.
Slater JR, Slipp JW.  1940.  A new species of Plethodon from northern Idaho.  Occasional Papers, Department of Biology, College of Puget Sound.  8:38-43.  Available from
Slocum K, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2017.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2017 status report.  :1-13.  Available from
Slocum K, Millet A, Stefanic T, Rodhouse TJ.  2016.  Bat hibernacula surveys in Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve: 2016 status report.    Available from
Small A.M, Adey W.H, Lutz S.M, Reese E.G, Roberts D.L.  1996.  A macrophyte-based rapid biosurvey of stream water quality: Restoration at the watershed scale.  Restoration Ecology.  4(2):124-145.
Small R.J, Rusch D.H.  1989.  The natal dispersal of ruffed grouse.  Auk.  106:72-79.
Small A..  1974.  Mountain quail.
Smith G.R, Stokes W.L, Horn K.F.  1968.  Some late Pleistocene fishes of Lake Bonneville.  Copeia.  1968(4):807-816.
Smith SD.  1968.  The Rhyacophila of the Salmon River drainage of Idaho with special reference to larvae.  Annals of the Entomological Society of America.  61(3):655-674.
Smith J.E.  1985.  Memo dated 27 August to the Area Manager, Emerald Empire Resource Area, Coeur d'Alene District BLM, regarding a threatened and endangered plant inventory for the South St. Joe Baldy Timber Sale.  
Smith G.R, al. et.  1983.  Taxonomic relationships of the Zuni Mountain sucker, CATOSTOMUS DISCOBOLUS YARROWI.  Copeia.  1983:37-48.
Smith D.M, Craig S.P, Santarosa J..  1971.  Cytological and chemical variation in Pityrogramma triangularis.  American Journal of Botany.  58(4):292-299.