Bibliography and Citations

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Anderegg DE.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Anderegg, Doyle E..  
Andersen JJ, Portnoy DS, Hafner JC, Light JE.  2013.  Populations at risk: conservation genetics of kangaroo mice (Microdipodops) of the Great Basin Desert.  Ecology and Evolution.  3(8):2497-2513.
Anderson R.C.  1992.  Observations on the occurrence of the Idaho Sand Dunes Tiger Beetle, Cicindela arenicola Rumpp.,in and around Bruneau Dunes State Park on April 28, 1992.  
Anderson L.C.  1986.  Sympatric subspecies in Chrysothamnus nauseosus.  
Anderson E.W.  1956.  Some Soil-Plant Relationships in Eastern Oregon.  Journal of Range Management.  9:171-175.
Anderson L.E.  1990.  A checklist of Sphagnum in North America north of Mexico.  Bryologist.  93(4):500-501.
Anderson H.E.  1968.  Sundance Fire: an analysis of fire phenomena.  
Anderson R.C, Shafer D.S.  1991.  Holocene biogeography of spruce-fir forests in southeastern Arizona - implications for the endangered Mt. Graham red squirrel.  Madrono.  38(4):287-295.
Anderson R.C.  1989.  BLM surface-management maps on which Dr. Robert Anderson, Idaho State University, encircled locations of dune systems where he found Cicindela arenicola.  
Anderson R.M.  1946.  Catalogue of Canadian recent mammals.  
Anderson R.  1998.  A preliminary assessment of bats along Snake River, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.  Hells Canyon Complex, FERC No. 1971.    Available from
Anderson R.C, Davis R.B.  1997.  The vegetation and its environments in Maine peatlands.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  75:1785-1805.
Anderson J.E, Inouye R..  1988.  Long-term dynamics of vegetation in a sagebrush steppe of southeastern Idaho.  
Anderson R.C, Bailey A.W.  1980.  Effects of annual burning on grassland in the aspen parkland of east-central Alberta.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  58(8):985-996.
Anderson R.C, Shumar M.L.  1989.  Guidelines for revegetation of disturbed sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  
Anderson J.E.  1983.  Impacts of black-tailed rabbits on sagebrush steppe vegetation.
Anderson R..  1994.  Unpublished bibliography of bat publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Anderson R.C, Beare. M.H.  1983.  Breeding system and pollination ecology of Trientalis borealis (Primulaceae).  American Journal of Botany.  70(3):408-415.
Anderson E., Davis M..  2003.  Columbian sharp-tailed grouse lek Survey: Fremont, Teton, and Madison counties, Idaho.  
Anderson L.C.  1986.  An overview of the genus Chrysothamnus (Asteraceae).  
Anderson J..  1997.  Long-term vegetation dynamics at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  
Anderson L.E.  1951.  The mosses of North Carolina VI. Encalyptaceae to Pottiaceae.  Bryologist.  54:145-161.
Anderson E..  1936.  The species problem in Iris.  Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden.  23:457-469.
Anderson L.E, Crum H.A, Buck W.R.  1990.  List of the mosses of North America north of Mexico.  Bryologist.  93(4):448-499.
Anderson R.C, Henderson D.M.  1978.  A survey of rare plants: Little Lost-Birch Creek planning unit.