Bibliography and Citations

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Banks E.M, Brooks R.J, Schnell J..  1975.  A radiotracking study of home range and activity of the brown lemming (LEMMUS TRIMUCRONATUS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  56:888-901.
Banks RC.  1988.  Geographic variation in the yellow-billed cuckoo.  Condor.  90(2):473-477.  Available from
Banks RC, R. Chesser T, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Rasmussen PC, Remsen, Jr. J.V, Rising JD, Stotz DF.  2007.  Forty-eighth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  124(3):1109-1115.  Available from
Banks RC, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Rasmussen PC, Remsen, Jr. J.V, Rising JD, Stotz DF.  2002.  Forty-third supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  119(3):897-906.  Available from
Banks RC, R. Chesser T, Cicero C, Dunn JL, Kratter AW, Lovette IJ, Rasmussen PC, Remsen, Jr. J.V, Rising JD, Stotz DF et al..  2008.  Forty-ninth supplement to the American Ornithologists’ Union Check-list of North American Birds.  Auk.  125(3):758-768.  Available from
Banks RC.  1964.  An experiment on a flammulated owl.  Condor.  66(1):79.  Available from
Banks R.C, Browning M.R.  1995.  Comments on the status of revived old names for some North American birds.  Auk.  112:633-648.
Banko WE.  1960.  The trumpeter swan: its history, habits, and population in the United States.  North American Fauna.  63:1-214.  Available from
Bancroft G.T, Strong A.M, Carrington M..  1995.  Deforestation and its effects on forest-nesting birds in the Florida Keys.  Conservation Biology.  9:835-844.
Banci V..  1989.  A fisher management strategy for British Columbia.  
Banci VA.  1982.  A bibliography on the wolverine, Gulo gulo.  
Banci V..  1987.  Ecology and behavior of wolverine in Yukon.  :177pp.
Banci V..  1994.  Wolverine.  
Banci V, Harestad A.  1988.  Reproduction and natality of wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Yukon.  Ann. Zool. Fennici.  25:263-270.
Banci V, Harestad AS.  1990.  Home range and habitat use of wolverines, Gulo gulo, in Yukon, Canada.  Holarctic Ecology.  13(3):p.195-200.
Ballard N..  1976.  A delightful little stutterberry, Vaccinium oxycoccos.  
Ball-Damerow JE, M'Gonigle LK, Resh VH.  2014.  Changes in occurrence, richness, and biological traits of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) in California and Nevada over the past century.  Biodiversity and Conservation.  23(8):2107-2126.  Available from
Ball I.J, Frost P.GH, Seigfried W.R, McKinney F..  1978.  Territories and movements of African black ducks.  Wildfowl.  29:61-79.  Available from
Ball I.G, Austin J.E, Henry A.R.  2003.  Population and nesting ecology of sandhill cranes at Grays Lake, Idaho, 1997-2000.  
Ball, Jr. R.M, Avise J.C.  1992.  Mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic differentiation among avian populations and the evolutionary significance of subspecies.  Auk.  109:626-636.
Balgooyen T.G.  1976.  Behavior and ecology of the American kestrel (Falco sparverius) in the Sierra Nevada of California.  
Baldwin C.T, Brunsfeld S.J.  1996.  Biogeography of Idaho's coastal disjuct Clearwater ecosystem: reading the history of vegetation movement captured in the genetic code of Cardamine constancei.  
Baldwin C.T, Brunsfeld S.J.  1995.  Preliminary genetic analysis of Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.  
Baldwin C.  1998.  Constance's bittercress: a local endemic.  Sage Notes.  20(4):8-9.
Balding M, Williams KJH.  2016.  Plant blindness and the implications for plant conservation.  Conservation Biology.  2016:1-8.