Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Thysell D.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Thysell, Dave. Panhandle National Forests, 1201 Ironwood Drive, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814..  
Thysell D..  1991.  Sensitive plant survey forms for field work done on the Coeur d'Alene NF during the 1991 field season.  
Tibbitts T..  1992.  A selected bibliography: northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis).  
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Tidestrom I..  1925.  Contributions from the United States National Herbarium - Volume 25: Flora of Utah and Nevada.
Tidwell W.D, Rushforth S.R, Simper D..  1972.  Evolution of floras in the Intermountain region. 1.  
Tiedemann AR, Klock GO, Mason LL, Sears DE.  1976.  Shrub plantings for erosion control in eastern Washington - progress and research needs.  
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Tielbörger K, Bilton MC, Metz J, Kigel J, Holzapfel C, Lebrija-Trejos E.  2014.  Middle-Eastern plant communities tolerate 9 years of drought in a multi-site climate manipulation experiment.    Available from
Tiku B.LEffect.  1976.  Effect of salinity on the photosynthesis of the halophyte Salicornia rubra and Distichlis stricta.  Physiologica Plantarum.  37(1):23-28.
Tilley D, Ogle D, John LSt., Fullen K, Fleenor R.  2013.  Technical Note 51: Threatened, endangered, and candidate plant species of Idaho - 2013 Revison.  :28pp.
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Tilley D., L. John S., Ogle D..  2011.  Plant guide for Packard's milkvetch (Astragalus cusickii var. packardiae).  
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Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants Ltd..  2003.  Species at risk – management strategy recommendations for rare vascular plants in CanFor’s planning areas.    Available from
Timberline Forest Inventory Consultants Ltd..  2003.  Species at risk – management strategy recommendations for rare plant communities in CanFor’s planning areas.    Available from
Timmermann B.N, McLaughlin S.P, Hoffmann J.J.  1987.  Quantitative variation of grindelane diterpene acids in 20 species of North American Grindelia.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  15(4):401-410.
Timossi IC, Woodard EL, Barrett RH.  1995.  Habitat suitability models for use with ARC/INFO: mountain quail.  : CWHR Technical Report No. 10.
Tipperman M..  1991.  Petition to the Washington Department of Wildlife, Olympia, WA, to list the lynx of the north-central Washington Cascades as an endangered species and to designate critical habitat.  
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Tippets D..  1994.  Scientists put small birds in the big picture.  Forest Research West.  September:10-13.
Tipton HC, Dreitz VJ, Doherty, Jr. PF.  2008.  Occupancy of mountain plover and burrowing owl in Colorado.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(4):1001-1006.
Tirmenstein D.A.  1986.  Atriplex canescens.