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Wooten G..  1993.  Summary of a trampling study on Botrychium spp.   U93WOO01IDUS
Wood H.B, James S.W.  1993.  Native and introduced earthworms from selected chaparral, woodland, and riparian zones in southern California.   U93WOO02IDUS
Younk J.V, Bechard M..  1993.  Breeding ecology of the northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in naturally fragmented aspen (Populus tremuloides) forests of northern Nevada. No. G17.   U93YOU01IDUS
Anderson S.T.  1994.  Grizzly bear enforcement and education project, Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak ecosystems.   U94AND01IDUS
Andrews T..  1994.  Research natural areas in ecosystem management and research.   U94AND02IDUS
Anderson R..  1994.  Unpublished bibliography of bat publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.   U94AND03IDUS
Associated Press.  1994.  Petition asks for wolverine protection.  Idaho Statesman.  41170 U94APR01IDUS
Baker, Charles W., Munger JC, McCauley L, Olson M, Stephens G.  1994.  Bruneau Dunes tiger beetle inventory. Final report.    Available from U94BAK01IDUS
Banci V..  1994.  Wolverine.   U94BAN01IDUS
Bartelt P.E, Peterson C.R.  1994.  Riparian habitat utilization by western toads (Bufo boreas) and spotted frogs (Rana pretiosa) on the Targhee National Forest, Final Report.   U94BAR01IDUS
Barnes J.L, Wolf P.G, Tepedino V.J.  1994.  Genetic diversity and gene flow: Implications for the rare plant, Mirabilis macfarlanei (Nyctaginaceae).   U94BAR02IDUS
Baxter C.V.  1994.  Proposed Black Prince Watershed Research Natural Area.   U94BAX01IDUS
Baxter C..  1994.  Species list for the flora of Black Prince Nominated Research Natural Area, Shoshone County, Idaho.   U94BAX02IDUS
Beals J., Jewell J..  1994.  Notebook containing northern goshawk nesting location information as a result of summer field survey.   U94BEA01IDUS
Beals J.W, Harris C.E.  1994.  Northern goshawk surveys in the Twin Falls and Burley Ranger Districts of the Sawtooth National Forest.   U94BEA02IDUS
Beisel J., Elmore T..  1994.  Owyhee rare plant inventory: 1994.   U94BEI01IDUS
Bernatas S., Bilbao A., Strickler K., Moseley R.K.  1994.  Long-term population monitoring of Davis' peppergrass (Lepidium davisii) on the Mountain Home Air Force Base: third-year results 1994 Annual Report.   U94BER01IDUS
Bernatas S., Strickler K., Bilboa A., Small S..  1994.  Saylor creek range ecosystem plant community plot data, 1994.   U94BER02IDUS
Blackburn C..  1994.  Occurrence and habitat characteristics of Haplopappus insecticruris Henderson, in Camas, Blaine, and Elmore Counties, Idaho.   U94BLA01IDUS
Bureau of Land Management.  1994.  Correspondence and packet of information regarding proactive management of springsnails in the Great Basin region.   U94BLM02IDUS
Bormann B.T, Brookes M.H, Ford E.D, Kiester A.R, Oliver C.D, Weigand J.F.  1994.  Volume V: a framework for sustainable-ecosystem management.   U94BOR01IDUS
Bureau of Reclamation.  1994.  State/discharge, water quality, and ESA snail sampling evaluations associated with the winter 1993-1994 upper Snake salmon water releasesPacific Northwest Region.   U94BOR02IDUS
Bormann BT, Cunningham PG, Brookes MH, Manning VW, Collopy MW.  1994.  Adaptive ecosystem management in the Pacific Northwest.  General Technical Report.   U94BOR03IDUS
Bosworth W.R.  1994.  Characteristics of winter activity in Plecotus townsendii in southeastern Idaho.  :74pp. U94BOS01IDUS
[Anonymous].  1994.  A preliminary vegetation classification of the Western United States.   U94BOU01IDUS