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Hall FC.  1993.  Definitions and codes for seral vegetation, draft.   U93HAL01IDUS
Hargis C., McCarthy C., Perloff R.D.  1993.  Home ranges and habitats of northern goshawks in eastern California. No. G11.   U93HAR01IDUS
Harrod R.J.  1993.  Summary of research projects on Cypripedium fasciculatum.   U93HAR02IDUS
Harlequin Duck Working Group.  1993.  Status of harlequin ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) in North America.   U93HDW01IDUS
Heekin T..  1993.  Notes from a phone conversation regarding mountain quail biology and ecology.   U93HEE01IDUS
Heekin PE, Guse R, Connell C, Reese KP, Zager P.  1993.  Mountain quail ecology. Study I: mountain quail habitat use, movements, productivity, and survival. Job 1: determine mountain quail distribution, habitat, density, and status in the lower Stanley River area.   U93HEE02IDUS
Heekin P..  1993.  Radio-telemetry reveals secrets of mountain quail in Idaho.  Quail Unlimited Magazine.  12(2):8-11. U93HEE03IDUS
Heekin P.E, Guse R., Vogel C., Reese K..  1993.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U93HEE04IDUS
Heekin PE, Guse R, Connell C, Reese KP, Zager P.  1993.  Mountain quail ecology: study I: mountain quail habitat use, movements, productivity, and survival; job 1: determine mountain quail distribution, habitat, density, and status in the lower Salmon River area. July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993.  Job Proqress Report.   U93HEE05IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K..  1993.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U93HEE06IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1993.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho: 1993 field season.   U93HEE07IDUS
Heekin PE, Vogel C, Reese KP, Zager P.  1993.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho. Progress report.   U93HEE08IDUS
Heidel B.L.  1993.  Status review of Lesquerella sp. novum, Butte District, Bureau of Land Management, Montana.   U93HEI01IDUS
Heidel B., Lesica P..  1993.  Conservation strategy for Silene spaldingii.   U93HEI02IDUS
Heidel B., Shelly J.S.  1993.  1992 Progress report: Demographic monitoring of Penstemon lemhiensis Dillon Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management.   U93HEI03IDUS
Hemker T..  1993.  Statewide surveys and inventories: upland game.   U93HEM01IDUS
Hibben C.R.  1993.  Anthracnose in a coastal disjunct population of Pacific dogwood in Idaho: an evaluation based on comparisons with the disease in eastern flowering dogwood; Informal report presented at Seventh Regional Dogwood Workshop, May 5-7, 1993, Chattanooga, TN; Abs. U93HIB01IDUS
Hunter W.C, Carter M.F, Pashley D.N, Barker K..  1993.  The Partners in Flight species prioritization scheme.   U93HUN01IDUS
Hurst G.A, Davidson W.R, Davos T., Kozicky E.L, Peoples A.D.  1993.  Strategic plan for quail management and research in the United States: issues and strategies–releases of pen-raised quail. U93HUR01IDUS
Hutto R.L, Hejl S.J, Preston C.R, Finch D.M.  1993.  Effects of silvicultural treatments on forest birds in the Rocky Mountains: implications and management recommendations.   U93HUT01IDUS
Hyder L..  1993.  Craig Mountain Wildlife Mitigation Project, undesirable plant survey.   U93HYD01IDUS
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  1996.  Anadromous fish management plan 1992-1996.   U93IFG02IDUS
Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee.  1993.  Grizzly tracks. Interagency grizzly bear committee report.   U93IGB01IDUS
Idaho Native Plant Society.  1993.  Results of the Ninth Annual Idaho Rare Plant Conference.   U93INP01IDUS
Jenni D..  1993.  Letter and list of fisher and lynx trapping records sent to Gary Will, State Furbearer Manager, Idaho Department of Fish and Game.   U93JEN01IDUS