Bibliography and Citations

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McPherson S, Schnell D.  2012.  Field guide to the carnivorous plants of the United States and Canada. Poole, Dorset (England): Redfern Natural History Productions Ltd.    Available from
National Geographic Society.  1987.  Field Guide to the Birds of North America. Second Edition.  
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1999.  Field guide to survey and manage freshwater mollusk species. Portland (OR): U. S. Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office.    Available from
Utz J, Pellant M, Gardetto J.  2013.  A field guide to plants of the Boise Foothills. Edition First.  Eagle (Idaho): Healthy Hills Initiative.    Available from
Williams J.G, Williams A.E.  1983.  Field Guide to orchids of North America: from Alaska, Greenland, and the Arctic south to the Mexican border.
Lesica P, Husby P.  2015.  Field guide to Montana's wetland vascular plants: a non-technical key to the genera with keys to the species of sedges and rushes. Edition Second.  Helena (Montana): Montana Wetlands Trust.  
Schofield W.B.  2002.  Field guide to liverwort genera of the Pacific Northwest.
Hurd EG, Goodrich S, Shaw NL.  1994.  Field guide to Intermountain rushes. General Technical Report.  INT-306.  Ogden (Utah): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station.  
Trujillo JJ, Strand EK.  2018.  A Field Guide to Grasses and Grass-Like Plants of Idaho. Moscow (Idaho): University of Idaho Extension.  
Page L.M, Burr B.M.  1991.  A field guide to freshwater fishes: North America north of Mexico.
Rosentreter R., Bowker M., Belnap J..  2007.  A field guide to biological soil crusts of western U. S. drylands. Denver (Colorado): U.S. Government Printing Office.  
Hoag C, Tilley D, Darris D, Pendergrass K.  2008.  Field guide for the identification and use of common riparian woody plants of the Intermountain West and Pacific Northwest Regions. Aberdeen (Idaho): USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service.  
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Maley T..  1987.  Exploring Idaho Geology.
Tidwell W.D, Rushforth S.R, Simper D..  1972.  Evolution of floras in the Intermountain region. 1.  
Hays RL, Summers C, Seitz W.  1981.  Estimating wildlife habitat variables. FWS/OBS.  81/47.  Washington (DC): U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service.  
Hauke R.L.  1993.  Equisetaceae Michaux ex DeCandolle: Horsetail Family.
Alcock J.  2006.  An enthusiasm for orchids: sex and deception in plant evolution. New York (NY): Oxford University Press.    Available from
Ayensu E.S, DeFilips R.A.  1978.  Endangered and threatened plants of the United States.
Hutchison DJ, Jones LR.  1993.  Emigrant trails of southern Idaho. Adventures in the Past - Idaho Cultural Resource Series.  Number 1.  Boise (ID): U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management; Idaho State Historical Society.  
Harper F., Anderson N.H, Harper P.P.  1995.  Emergence of lotic mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in the Cascade Range of Oregon.
Harrington H.D.  1967.  Edible plants of the Rocky Mountains.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.  1987.  Ecosystem classification handbook, appendix K.
Bellis V.J.  1995.  Ecology of maritime forests of the sourthern Atlantic coast: A community profile. 30.  
[Anonymous].  1995.  Ecology and management of neotropical migratory birds: a synthesis and review of critical issues.