Bibliography and Citations

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Foit, Jr. F.F, Mehringer P.J, Sheppard J.C.  1993.  Age, distribution, and stratigraphy of Glacier Peak tephra in eastern Washington and western Montana, United States.  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.  30:535-552.
A. Leopold S.  1939.  Age determination in quail.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  3(3):261-265.
Quinn T.W, Shields G.F, Wilson A.C.  1991.  Affinities of the Hawaiian goose based on two types of mitochondrial DNA data.  Auk.  108:585-593.
Frest T.J.  1989.  Affidavits (3) submitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho relative to proposed water projects in Box Canyon on the Snake River and their effects on indigenous mollusc species.  
Rachlow J., Witham J..  2006.  Aerial surveys for pygmy rabbits in the BLM Shoshone Field Office area: results and an evaluation of the technique.  
Anonymous.  0.  Aerial photographs of the lower Boise River.  
Sims R.A, Stewart J.M.  1981.  Aerial biomass distribution in an undisturbed and disturbed subarctic bog.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  59:782-786.
Foottit RG, Halbert SE, Miller GL, Maw E, Russell LM.  2006.  Adventive aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) of America north of Mexico.  Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington.  108(3):583-610.  Available from
Marzluff J.M, Balda R.P.  1988.  The advantages of, and constraints forcing, mate fidelity in pinyon jays.  Auk.  105:286-295.
Bourgeron P.S.  1988.  Advantages and limitations of ecological classification for the protection of ecosystems.  Conservation Biology.  2(2):218-220.
Bowler P.A, Frest T.J.  1996.  The advancing distribution of the New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray), in North America. In: Program abstracts. 62nd Annual Meeting American Malacological Union.  Chicago (IL; 29 Jun-3 Jul 1996) p. 31.
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Ketchledge E.H, Leonard R.E.  1984.  Adirondack Insights: 6. Summit stability.  Adirondac.  46(10):22-23.
Ketchledge E.H.  1982.  Adirondack Insights: 3. Dwarf willows and dwarf birches.  Adirondac.  46(10):18-19.
Ketchledge E.H.  1984.  Adirondack Insights: 15. The alpine flora.  Adirondac.  48(5):17-20.
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Brumfield B.M, Evans D.K, Brant A.E.  1982.  Additions to the wetland flora of West Virginia.  Castanea.  47(2):179-181.
Evert E.F, Hartman R.L.  1984.  Additions to the vascular flora of Wyoming.  Great Basin Naturalist.  44(3):482-483.
J. Pittillo D, Brown AE.  1988.  Additions to the vascular flora of the Carolinas. III.  Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society.  104(1):1-18.
Johnson J.D.  1989.  Additions to the vascular flora of Manitoba.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  103(2):291-293.
Hallsten G.P, Roberts. D.W.  1988.  Additions to the vascular flora of Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  48(3):352.
Porcher, Jr. R.D.  1973.  Additions to the recorded distributions of Orchidaceae from the South Carolina coastal plain.  Bulletin of the South Carolina Academy of Science.  35:123.