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Burak G.S.  2006.  Home ranges, movements, and multi-scale habitat use of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southwestern Idaho.  :106pp.
Broadbooks H.E.  1970.  Home ranges and territorial behavior of the yellow-pine chipmunk, Eutamius amoenus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  51:310-326.
Ribble D.O, Stanley S..  Submitted.  Home ranges and social organization of syntopic PEROMYSCUS BOYLII and P. TRUEI.  Journal of Mammalogy.  79:932-941.
Hargis C., McCarthy C., Perloff R.D.  1993.  Home ranges and habitats of northern goshawks in eastern California. No. G11.  
Hargis C.D, Perloff R.D, McCarthy C..  1991.  Home ranges and habitats of northern goshawks in eastern California.  
Hawes M.L.  1977.  Home range, territoriality and ecological separation in sympatric shrews, SOREX VAGRANS and SOREX OBSCURUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  58:354-367.
Cossel J., Luckey L., Oelrich K..  2002.  Home range size estimates of the Mojave black-collared lizard (Crotaphytus bicinctores) in southwestern Idaho.  
Cossel J., Luckey L., Oelrich K..  2002.  Home range size estimates of the Mojave black-collared lizard (Crotaphytus bicinctores) in southwestern Idaho.  
Dudley J, Saab V.  2003.  Home range size and foraging habitat of black-backed woodpeckers in Idaho.  
Davis J., Ford R.G.  1983.  Home range of the western fence lizard (SCELOPORUS OCCIDENTALIS OCCIDENTALIS).  Copeia.  1983:933-940.
Heady L.T.  1998.  Home range, habitat, and activity patterns of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southeast Idaho.  :72pp..
Hill J., Grossman G.D.  1987.  Home range estimates for three North American stream fishes.  Copeia.  1987:376-380.
O'Farrell M.J.  1978.  Home range dynamics of rodents in a sagebrush community.  Journal of Mammalogy.  59:657-68.
Maza B.G, French N.R, Aschwanden A.P.  1973.  Home range dynamics in a population of heteromyid rodents.  Journal of Mammalogy.  54:405-425.
Metzgar L., Roy K., Heinemeyer K..  1989.  Home range dynamics, dispersal, and reproduction of reintroduced fishers (Martes pennanti) in the Cabinet Mountain Wilderness Area, Montana.  
Zielinski WJ, Truex RL, Schmidt GA, Schlexer FV, Schmidt KN, Barrett RH.  2004.  Home range characteristics of fishers in California.  Journal of Mammalogy.  85(4):649-657.  Available from
Arthur S.M, Krohn W.B, Gilbert J.R.  1989.  Home range characteristics of adult fishers.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  53(3):674-679.
Muths E..  2003.  Home range and movements of boreal toads in undisturbed habitat.  Copeia.  2003:160-165.
Connell J.H.  1954.  Home range and mobility of brush rabbits in California chaparral.  Journal of Mammalogy.  35:392-405.
Bendel P.R, Gates J.E.  1987.  Home range and microhabitat partitioning of the southern flying squirrel (GLAUCOMYS VOLANS).  Journal of Mammalogy.  68:243-55.
Groves C.R.  1978.  Home range and local movement of small mammals on the radioactive waste management complex Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site.  
Dixon RD, Bull EL, Garton EO.  1991.  Home range and habitat-use of white-headed woodpeckers in managed and unmanaged forests, central Oregon [research/budget proposal]. Draft.  
Ingles L.G.  1961.  Home range and habitats of the wandering shrew.  Journal of Mammalogy.  42:455-462.
Banci V, Harestad AS.  1990.  Home range and habitat use of wolverines, Gulo gulo, in Yukon, Canada.  Holarctic Ecology.  13(3):p.195-200.
Whitman JS, Ballard WB, Gardner CL.  1986.  Home range and habitat use by wolverines in southcentral Alaska.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  50(3):460-463.  Available from