Bibliography and Citations

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Lichthardt J., Gray K..  2002.  Field surveys for Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly) in Idaho, 2001.  
Lichthardt J.  2004.  Conservation strategy for Idaho Panhandle peatlands.  
Lichthardt J., Gray K., Pekas K..  2012.  Surveys for Water Howellia (Howellia aquatilis) in the Palouse River and Hangman Creek Drainages, Northern Idaho.  
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Summary of lichen and moss EORs from collections at the University of Idaho and Washington State University herbaria.  
Lichthardt J., Moseley R..  1996.  Field notes for the Cold Spring Creek site (S.USIDHP*64).  
Lichthardt J.  2017.  Email correspondence and file attachments from Juanita Lichthardt relating to Silene spaldingii at Tenmile Canyon.  
Lichthardt J, Gray K, Pekas K.  2014.  A Survey for Early-flowering Rare Plants of Palouse and Canyon Grasslands in Northern Idaho.  
Lichthardt J..  2000.  Monitoring of rare plant populations on the Clearwater National Forest: fourth annual summary report: clustered lady's slipper orchid-Aquarius RNA, Henderson's sedge-Aquarius RNA, crinkle-awn fescue-Aquarius RNA, Constance's bittercress-North Fork Ranger.  
Lichthardt J, Pekas K.  2014.  Rare plant observation reports of Pinus albicaulis from IDFG, 2013-2014.  
Lichthardt J.  2019.  Email correspondence and file attachments from Juanita Lichthardt relating to Silene spaldingii mapping corrections.  
Lichthardt J.J.  1992.  Community and population monitoring in Aquarius Research Natural Area, Clearwater National Forest. I. Plot establishment and baseline data, 1991.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Population monitoring of disjunct Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) on the Clearwater National Forest: five-year summary.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Field notes for the Ferdinand Butte site (S.USIDHP*196).  
Lichthardt J.J.  1998.  Survey data for ancient cedar groves in the Clearwater National Forest. Idaho Conservation Data Center, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.  
Lichthardt J, Moseley R.  1996.  Field notes for the Liberty Butte site (S.USIDHP*143).  
Lichthardt J..  1995.  Monitoring of sensitive plants in the Steep Creek timber sale, 1994 report.  
Lichthardt J., Mancuso M..  1996.  Use of Tepee Creek RNA to study the effects of forest harvest and road building on population viability of salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis).  
Lichthardt J, Pekas KM.  2019.  Water howellia (Howellia aquatilis) Monitoring in Northern Idaho, 2005 to 2017.  
Lichthardt J..  1996.  Field notes for the Westside Tomer Butte site (S.USIDHP*213).  
Lichthardt J..  1999.  Action plan for sensitive plant species on the Clearwater National Forest.  
Lichthardt J., Murphy C..  1998.  Field notes for the China Creek Cedar Grove site (S.USIDHP*261).  
Licht LE.  1971.  Breeding habits and embryonic thermal requirements of the frogs, Rana aurora aurora and Rana pretiosa pretiosa, in the Pacific Northwest.  Ecology.  52(1):116-124.
Licht LE.  1975.  Comparative life history of the western spotted frog, Rana pretiosa, from low- and high-elevation populations.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  53(9):1254-1257.
Licht LE.  1986.  Comparative escape behavior of sympatric Rana aurora and Rana pretiosa.  American Midland Naturalist.  115(2):239-247.
Licht LE.  1969.  Comparative breeding behavior of the red-legged frog (Rana aurora aurora) and the western spotted frog (Rana pretiosa pretiosa) in southwestern British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  47(6):1287-1299.