Comparative escape behavior of sympatric Rana aurora and Rana pretiosa

Publication Type:

Journal Article


American Midland Naturalist, University of Notre Dame, Volume 115, Issue 2, p.239-247 (1986)

Call Number:



Rana aurora, Rana pretiosa


The escape behavior of Rana aurora and R. pretiosa from sympatric populations is compared. In the field, when given a choice between land and water as escape routes, R. aurora prefer land and flee with long jumps about 45° off the ground. If water is used, R. aurora tend to remain on the surface, swimming along the bank away from danger. Rana pretiosa almost always seek escape by immediately diving and submerging in the nearest water, from which they seldom wander. When water is not available, R. pretiosa tend to jump in a circular fashion with short weak jumps ca. 20° off the ground. In laboratory tests with garter snakes as predators, both frog species used escape behavior seen in field studies. The overall morphology, including length of hind limbs, degree of webbing on hind feet, eye placement and body coloration, is consistent with the escape patterns used by the two species.


Reference Code: A86LIC01IDUS

Full Citation: Licht, L. E. 1986. Comparative escape behavior of sympatric Rana aurora and Rana pretiosa. American Midland Naturalist 115(2): 239-247.