Bibliography and Citations

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Louhaichi M, Pyke DA, Shaff SE, Johnson DE.  2013.  Monitoring restoration impacts to endemic plant communities in soil inclusions of arid environments.  International Journal of Agriculture and Biology.  15(4):767-771.  Available from
Lötters S, Kielgast J, Bielby J, Schmidtlein S, Bosch J, Veith M, Walker SF, Fisher MC, Rödder D.  2009.  The link between rapid enigmatic amphibian decline and the globally emerging chytrid fungus.  EcoHealth.  6(3):358–372.
Lott P.A.  1982.  An investigation of its uses by Indians of the Great Basin.  Mentzelia, The Journal of The Northern Nevada Native Plant Society.  :14-17.
Lotan JE, Perry DA.  1983.  Ecology and regeneration of lodgepole pine.  Agriculture handbook.  :51.  Available from
Loss SR, Will T, Marra PP.  2013.  Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States.  Biological Conservation.  168:201-209.  Available from, plus 5 links to supplementary data
Losey J.  2022.  Lost Ladybug Project, data export of Idaho records [accessed 02/17/2022].    Available from
Los Angeles County Museum.  2009.  Mammal specimen data - Idaho specimens.  
Los Angeles County Museum.  1992.  Idaho mammal specimens at LACM, 6 Jul 1992. Printout.  
Lorenz B.A, Bailey S.J.  2005.  A survey of the amphibians and reptiles of the Shoshone Field Office of the Bureau of Land Management.  
Lorain C.C.  1993.  Conservation strategy for Mimulus clivicola.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Species management guide for Grindelia howellii (Howell's gumweed), on the St. Joe National Forest.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Report on the conservation status of Silene spaldingii in Idaho.  
Lorain C.C.  1989.  Swamp Ridge roadless area sensitive plant survey and evaluation.  
Lorain C..  1992.  Packet for Clearwater National Forest Sensitive Plant Training Session.  
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Study plan: long-term demographic and community monitoring of Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood), in Idaho.  
Lorain C.C, Moseley R.K.  1990.  Continued field investigations of Mimulus clivicola (bank monkeyflower).  
Lorain C.C.  1989.  Pot Mountain roadless area sensitive plant survey and evaluation.  
Lorain C.C.  1990.  Report on the conservation status of Antennaria arcuata in Idaho.  
Lorain C..  1989.  Map of Mimulus clivicola occurrences along the North Fork Clearwater River, Clearwater NF, and along the Selway River, Nez Perce NF.  
Lorain C.C.  1988.  Floristic history and distribution of coastal disjunct plants of the Northern Rocky Mountains.  :221p..
Lorain C.C.  1991.  Species management guide for Mimulus clivicola (bank monkeyflower) on the Clearwater and Nez Perce National Forests.  
Lorain C..  1989.  Special plant survey forms resulting from field work in the Clearwater NF and Nez Perce NF, June 1989.  
Lorain C.C.  1989.  An evaluation of the noxious weeds on portions of the Clearwater National Forest. Final Report.  
Lorain C..  1990.  Letter to Ed Guerrant, Seed Bank Curator, Berry Botanic Garden, Portland, OR, regarding seed collections from Cornus nuttallii.  
Lorain C..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for field surveys done in northern Idaho during the spring and summer of 1991.