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Journal Article
D. Rogers C, Fugate M.  2001.  Branchinecta hiberna, a new species of fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Anostraca) from western North America.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(1):11–18.  Available from
Jones SL, Nations CS, Fellows SD, McDonald LL.  2008.  Breeding abundance and distribution of long-billed curlews (Numenius americanus) in North America.  31.  (1):1-14.
Beason R.C, Franks E.C.  1974.  Breeding behavior of the Horned Lark.  Auk.  91:65-74.
Pulliainen E, Loisa K.  1977.  Breeding biology and food of the great grey owl, Strix nebulosa, in northeastern Finnish Forest Lapland.  Aquilo Series Zoologica.  17:23-33.
Wittenberger JF.  1978.  The breeding biology of an isolated bobolink population in Oregon.  Condor.  80:355-371.  Available from
Davis D.E.  1954.  The breeding biology of Hammond's flycatcher.  Auk.  71:164-171.
Bull E.L, Hohmann J.E.  1994.  Breeding biology of northern goshawks in northeastern Oregon.  Studies in Avian Biology.  16:103-105.
Briggs, Sr. J.L.  1987.  Breeding biology of the Cascade frog, RANA CASCADAE, with comparisons to R. AURORA and R. PRETIOSA.  Copeia.  1987:241-245.
Briggs J..  1987.  Breeding biology of the cascade frog, Rana cascadae, with comparisons to R. aurora and R. pretiosa.  Copeia.  1987(1):241-245.
Beecham JJ, Kochert M.N.  1975.  Breeding biology of the golden eagle in southwestern Idaho.  Wilson Bulletin.  87(4):506-513.  Available from
Franklin AB.  1988.  Breeding biology of the great gray owl in southeastern Idaho and northwestern Wyoming.  Condor.  90(3):689-696.  Available from
Delannoy C.A, Cruz A..  1988.  Breeding biology of the Puerto Rican sharp-shinned hawk (ACCIPITER STRIATUS VENATOR).  Auk.  105:649-662.
Bock C.E, Lynch J.F.  1970.  Breeding bird populations of burned and unburned conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada.  Condor.  72:182-189.
Sedgwick J.A, Knopf F.L.  1987.  Breeding bird response to cattle grazing of a cottonwood bottomland.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  51(1):230-237.
Belthoff JR, Powers L.R, Reynolds T.D..  1991.  Breeding birds at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, 1985-1991.  Great Basin Naturalist.  58(2):167-183.
Johnson N.K.  1976.  Breeding distribution of Nashville and Virginia's warblers.  Auk.  93:219-230.
Paton P.WC, Dalton J..  1994.  Breeding ecology of long-billed curlews at Great Salt Lake, Utah.  Great Basin Naturalist.  54(1):79-85.
Bengtson S-A.  1972.  Breeding ecology of the Harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus (L.) in Iceland.  Ornis Scandinavica.  3(1):1-19.
Younk J.V, Bechard M.J.  1994.  Breeding ecology of the northern goshawk in high-elevation aspen forests of northern Nevada.  Studies in Avian Biology.  16:119-121.
Licht LE.  1971.  Breeding habits and embryonic thermal requirements of the frogs, Rana aurora aurora and Rana pretiosa pretiosa, in the Pacific Northwest.  Ecology.  52(1):116-124.
Mickey F.W..  1943.  Breeding habits of McCown's Longspur.  Auk.  60:181-209.
Chabreck R.H.  1963.  Breeding habits of the pied-billed grebe in an impounded coastal marsh in Louisiana.  Auk.  80:447-52.
Benkman C.W.  1989.  Breeding opportunities, foraging rates, and parental care in white-winged crosbills.  Auk.  106:483-485.
Orton, Jr. E.R.  1974.  Breeding programs for dogwoods.  Plants and Gardens.  30(1):62-63.
Alvo R, Hussell DJT, Berrill M.  1988.  The breeding success of common loons (Gavia immer) in relation to alkalinity and other lake characteristics in Ontario.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  66(3):746-752.  Available from