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Leendertz F.H.  1994.  Influence of logging on small mammal communities in western Montana.
Leese T.A, al. et.  1978.  Elk Ecology.  
Leeson J..  1988.  Appeal of a coalition of conservation groups aimed at the Idaho Falls District, Bureau of Land Management, failure to amend existing land use plans in order to protect a candidate species, the Idaho dunes tiger beetle, Cicindela arenicola.  
Leeson J..  1988.  Memo to conservationists and interested parties regarding the Idaho Dunes tiger beetle with an attached letter from Leeson to John Butz, Wilderness Coordinator, Idaho Falls District BLM regarding the beetle.  
Lefcort H, Wehner EA, Cocco PL.  2013.  Pre-exposure to heavy metal pollution and the odor of predation decrease the ability of snails to avoid stressors.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  64(2):273–280.
Lefcort H, Freedman Z, House S, Pendleton M.  2008.  Hormetic effects of heavy metals in aquatic snails: Is a little bit of pollution good? EcoHealth.  5(1):10-17.  Available from
Lefcort H., Meguire R.A, Wilson L.H, Ettinger W.F.  1998.  Heavy metals alter the survival, growth, metamorphisis, and antipredatory behavior of Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) tadpoles.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  35(3):447-456.  Available from
Lefcort H., Abbott D.P, Cleary D.A, Howell E., Keller N.C, Smith M.M.  2004.  Aquatic snails from mining sites have evolved to detect and avoid heavy metals.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  46(4):478-484.  Available from
Lefevre CK, Carter CM, Molina R.  0.  Morphological and molecular evidence of specificity between Allotropa virgata and Tricholoma magnivelare.  
Leffler S.  2001.  A new species of tiger beetle from southwestern Idaho (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).  Cicindela.  33(1-2):19-40.
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Aegolius acadicus (northern saw-whet owl).  
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Regulus satrapa (golden-crowned kinglet).  
Legrand, Jr. H.E, Hall S.P.  1989.  Element stewardship abstract for Contopus borealis (olive-sided flycatcher).  
Lehman R., Specht B..  1997.  Spiranthes diluvialis survey work on the Targhee NF in 1997.  
Lehman R.N, Carpenter L.B, Steenhof K., Kochert M.N.  1995.  Assessing abundance and nesting success of benchland raptors in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area–an evaluation of methods.  
Lehman R..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Lehman, Rose..  
Lehman R., Varga K., Specht B..  1999.  Ute Ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) 1998 suvey areas - Targhee NF.  
Lehman R, Strickland J, Kinter L.  2016.  Email correspondence from Rose Lehman to Lynn Kinter and Jim Strickland, November 2016 RE latest IdNHP list.  
Lehman R.N, Steenhof K., Kochert M.N, Carpenter L.B.  1999.  Effects of military training activities on shrub-steppe raptors in southwestern Idaho, USA.  
Lehman RN, Barrett JS.  2002.  Raptor electrocutions and associated fire hazards in the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area.  
Lehman R.  1998.  Wetlands of the Yellowstone Plateau Spring Creeks: a unique habitat for some of Idaho's rare plants.  Sage Notes.  20(4):19.
Lehman RN, Carpenter L.B, Steenhof K, Kochert MN.  1998.  Assessing relative abundance and reproductive success of shrubsteppe raptors.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  69(2):244-256.
Leiberg J.B.  1888.  Letter to E. G. Britton about Nymphea leibergii plus the original 4-page handwritten letter.  
Leiberg J.B.  1897.  General report on a botanical survey of the Coeur d'Alene Mountains in Idaho during the summer of 1895.  U.S. National Herbarium Contributions.  5(1):1-85.
Leiberg J.B.  1902.  Letter to Prof. C. V. Piper about Nymphaea leibergii.