Bibliography and Citations

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Book Chapter
Baird S.F, Brewer T.M, Ridgway R..  1874.  A history of North American birds. [Land birds.] Oreortyx pictus, Baird. 3.  New York: Little, Brown, and Company, reprinted by Arno Press.   p. 475-478.
O'Shea TJ, Bogan MA.  2003.  Introduction. O'Shea T.J, Bogan M.A, editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline.   p. 1-7.  Available from
Chambers JC, Miller JR, Germanoski D.  2011.  Introduction and overview. Geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology of Great Basin meadow complexes—implications for management and restoration.  Chambers JC, Miller JR, editors. Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 1-10.  Available from
Davidson A, Aycrigg J, Grossman E, Kagan J, Lennartz S, McDonough S., Miewald T, Ohmann J, Sajwaj T, Tobalske C.  2013.  Land cover classification and mapping. Aycrigg JL, Andersen M, Beauvais G, Croft M, Davidson A, Duarte L, Kagan J, Keinath D, Lennartz S, Lonneker J et al., editors. U.S. Geological Survey, Gap Analysis Program.   p. 31-57.  Available from
Christiansen RL, Bonnichsen B, Breckenridge R.M.  1982.  Late Cenozoic volcanism of the Island Park area, eastern Idaho. Cenozoic geology of Idaho.  Moscow (ID): Idaho Bureau of Mines and Geology.   p. 345-368.  Available from
Fraser JD, Luukkonen DR.  1986.  The loggerhead shrike. Audubon Wildlife Report 1986.  Di Silvestro RL, editor. New York: National Audubon Society.   p. 933-941.
Quinn NWS, Parker G.  1988.  Lynx. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America.  Novak M, Baker JA, Obbard ME, Malloch B, editors. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.   p. 683-694.
Quinn NWS, Parker G.  1987.  Lynx. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America.  Novak M, Baker JA, Obbard ME, Malloch B, editors. Ontario (Canada): Ontario Trappers Association.   p. 683-694.
Robinson SK, Grzybowski JA, Rothstein SI, Brittingham MC, Petit LJ, Thompson FR.  1993.  Management implications of cowbird parasitism on neotropical migrant songbirds. Edition Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-229.  Status and management of neotropical migratory birds: September 21-25, 1992, Estes Park, Colorado.  Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 93-102.  Available from
Lawler JJ, Safford HD, Girvetz EH.  2012.  Martens and fishers in a changing climate. Aubry KB, Zielinski WJ, Raphael MG, Proulx G, Buskirk SW, editors. Ithaca (NY): Comstock Publishing Associates, Division of Cornell University Press.   p. 371-397.  Available from
Hafner DJ, Hafner JC.  1998.  Microdipodops megacephalus Merriam 1891: dark kangaroo mouse. Hafner DJ, Yensen E, Kirkland GL, editors. Gland, Switzerland, and Cambridge (United Kingdom): International Union of the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).   p. 79-80.  Available from
Cole DN.  1993.  Minimizing conflict between recreation and nature conservation. Minneapolis (MN): University of Minnesota Press.   p. 105-122.
Friggens MM, Warwell MV, Chambers JC, Kitchen SG, Finch DM.  2012.  Modeling and predicting vegetation response of western USA grasslands, shrublands, and deserts to climate change. Edition General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285.  Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 1-20.  Available from
Grinnell J, Bryant HChild, Storer TIrwin.  1918.  Mountain quail. game birds of California.  Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 504-514.
Ware DA, Tirhi M, Herbig B.  2002.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx pictus. Management recommendations for Washington's priority species. Volume IV: Birds. .   Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.    Available from
Gutierrrez R.J, Delehanty DJ.  1999.  Mountain quail (Oreortyx pictus). 457.  Poole A, Gill J., editors. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the American Ornithologists' Union.   p. 27.  Available from
Ahlborn G..  1990.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx pictus. California's wildlife.  2. Birds.  Zeiner DC, Laudenslayer, Jr. WF, Mayer KE, White M, editors. Sacramento (CA): California Department of Fish and Game.   p. 170-171.
Gabrielson IN, Jewett SG.  1940.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx pictus palmeri Oberholser. Birds of Oregon.  Studies in Zoology No. 2.  Corvallis (OR): Oregon State College.   p. 223-226.
Erlich PR, Dobkin DS, Wheye D.  1988.  Mountain quail [paragraph]. The birder's handbook.  New York (NY): Simon & Schuster.   p. 264.
Larrison EJ, Johnson MD, Miller S.  1981.  Mountain quail [paragraph]. Birds of the Pacific Northwest: Washington, Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia.  [Moscow (ID]): University Press of Idaho.   p. 100.
Jewett SG, Taylor WP, Shaw WT, Aldrich JW.  1953.  Mountain quail [subsection]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington Press.   p. 225-227.
A. Leopold S, Gutiérrez RJ, Bronson MT.  1981.  Mountain quail [subsection]. North American game birds and mammals.  New York (NY): Charles Scribner's Sons.   p. 48-49.
Bjergo C., Boydstun C., Crosby M., Kokkanakis S., Sayers R..  1995.  Non-native aquatic species in the United States and coastal waters. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U. S. plants, animals and ecosystems.  LaRoe E.T, editor. Washington (DC): National Biological Service.   p. 428-431.
Mote P, Snover AK, Capalbo S, Eigenbrode SD, Glick P, Littell J, Raymondi R, Reeder S.  2014.  Northwest. Melillo J.M, Richmond TC, Yohe G.W, editors. Washington (DC): U.S. Global Change Research Program.   p. 487-513.  Available from
Grinnell J., Swarth H.S.  1913.  Oreortyx picta plumifera. An account of the birds and mammals of the San Jacinto area of southern California; with remarks upon the behavior of geographic races on the margins of their habitats.  10, University of California Publications in Zoology.  Berkeley (CA): University of California Press.   p. 228-232.  Available from