Bibliography and Citations

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Patla D.A, Peterson C.R.  1999.  Are amphibians declining in Yellowstone National Park.  Yellowstone Science.  7(1):2-11.
Meinke R..  2001.  Are flower color polymorphisms among populations of Malheur prince's plume (Stanleya confertiflora) indicative of taxonomic level differences?
Hopwood J, Vaughan M, Shepherd M, Biddinger D, Mader E, Black SHoffman, Mazzacano C.  2012.  Are neonicotinoids killing bees? A review of research into the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on bees, with recommendations for action   Available from
Sherry T.W, Holmes R.T.  1993.  Are populations of neotropical migrant birds limited in summer or winter? Implications for management
Meyer S.E.  2005.  Are recent declines in Lepidium papilliferum numbers on the Orchard Training Area within the natural range of weather related variability?
Reznicek A.A.  1987.  Are small reserves worthwhile for plants? Endangered Species.  5(2):1-3.
Saab V.A.  1992.  Area and habitat relationships of small landbirds breeding in cottonwood riparian forests along the South Fork of the Snake River, Progres Report 1991.  
Moseley R.K.  1987.  Area of Critical Environmental Concern Recommendation for Mud Flat Oolite.  
Bolsinger C.L, Waddell K.L.  1993.  Area of old-growth forests in California, Oregon, and Washington.  
Johnson N.K, Igl L.D.  2001.  Area requirements of grassland birds: a regional perspective.  Auk.  118:124-134.
Neddleton W.D, Peterson F.F.  1983.  Aridisols.  Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy: II. the soil orders.  
Kearney T.H, Peebles R.H, collaborators.  1960.  Arizona Flora. Second Edition.  
Zeppelini D, Christiansen K.  2003.  Arrhopalites (Collembola: Arrhopalitidae) in U.S. caves with the description of seven new species.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies.  65(1):36-42.  Available from
University of Idaho.  1997.  Artemisia campestris.  
McMurray N.  1987.  Artemisia ludoviciana.  
Kruckeberg A.R.  1961.  Artificial crosses of western North American Silenes.  Brittonia.  13:305-333.
Howard RP, Hilliard M.  1980.  Artificial nest structures and grassland raptors.  Raptor Research.  14(2):41-45.  Available from
Warner KS.  2000.  Artificial nests, their predators, and their ability to represent real nests.  :96pp..
Idaho Native Plant Society.  1997.  as an email attachment sent 2010 January 7.  
Sundell E.  1993.  Asclepiadaceae milkweed family.  Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy Of Science.  27(2):169-187.  Available from
Webb G.F.  1968.  The Ashmunellinae: sexological notes on Allogona.  Gastropodia.  1(7):70-72.
Taylor D.W.  1988.  Aspects of freshwater mollusc ecological biogeography.  Paleoecology.  62:511-576.
Anderson R.C, Loucks. O.L.  1973.  Aspects of the biology of Trientalis borealis Raf.  Ecology.  54(4):798-808.
Diller LV, Wallace RL.  1986.  Aspects of the life history and ecology of the desert night snake, Hypsiglena torquata deserticola: Colubridae, in southwestern Idaho.  Southwestern Naturalist.  31(1):55-64.
Bartos DL.  2007.  Aspen. Fire ecology and management of the major ecosystems of southern Utah.  Hood SM, Miller M, editors. Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 39-55.  Available from