Bibliography and Citations

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Hoffman RL, Pilliod DS.  1999.  The ecological effects of fish stocking on amphibian populations in high-mountain wilderness lakes. Final Report.  
Hoffman D.M.  1973.  Study of mountain quail adaptability.  
Hoffmann J.J, McLaughlin. S.P.  1986.  Grindelia camporum: potential cash crop for the arid southwest.  Economic Botany.  40(2):162-169.
Hoffmann R.S, Taber R.D.  1960.  Notes on SOREX in the northern Rocky Mountain alpine zone.  Journal of Mammalogy.  41(2):230-234.
Hoffmann J.J, Pattie D.L.  1968.  A guide to Montana mammals: identification, habitat, distribution and abundance.
Hoffmann R.S, Owen J.G.  1980.  Sorex tenellus and Sorex nanus.  Mammalian Species.  131:1-4.
Hoffmeister D.F.  1981.  Peromyscus truei.  Mammalian Species.  161:1-5.
Hogan KM, Davis SK, Greenbaum IF.  1997.  Mitochondrial-DNA analysis of the systematic relationships within the PEROMYSCUS MANICULATUS species group.  Journal of Mammalogy.  78(3):733-743.  Available from
Hogander G..  2002.  Pocatello BLM office observation database.  
Hogander G.  Submitted.  No description.  Hogander, Geoff.  
Hogander G..  Submitted.  Compiled sightings and wildlife observation reports for sharp-tailed grouse.  Hogander, G. Compiled sightings and wildlife observation reports for sharp-tailed grouse..  
Hogrefe TC, Bailey CL, Thompson PD, Nadolski B.  2005.  Boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas) conservation plan in the State of Utah.    Available from
Hogstad O.  1976.  Sexual dimorphism and divergence in winter foraging behaviour of three-toed woodpeckers Picoides tridactylus.  Ibis.  118(1):41-50.
Hogstad O.  1977.  Seasonal change in intersexual niche differentiation of the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus.  Ornis Scandinavica.  8(2):101-111.
Hogstad O.  1971.  Stratification in winter feeding of the great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major and the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus.  Ornis Scandinavica.  2(2):143-146.
Hogstad O.  1978.  Sexual dimorphism in relation to winter foraging and territorial behaviour of the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus and three Dendrocopos species.  Ibis.  120(2):198-203.
Hogue JN, Hawkins CP.  2008.  Notes on the distribution of the mayfly Caudatella edmundsi (Allen, 1959) (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae).  Pan-Pacific Entomologist.  84(2):150-154.  Available from
Hohn E.O..  1967.  Observations on the breeding biology of Wilson's Phalaropes in central Alberta.  Auk.  84:220-244.
Hoiland W.K, Rabe F.W.  1992.  Effects of increasing zinc levels and habitat degradation of macroinvertebrate communities in three north Idaho streams.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology.  7(4):373-380.
Hoisington-Lopez JL, Waits LP, Sullivan J.  2012.  Species limits and integrated taxonomy of the Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus): genetic and ecological differentiation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  93(2):589–604.  Available from
Holcomb L.C.  1972.  Nest success and age-specific mortality in Traill's flycatchers.  Auk.  89:837-841.
Holderman C, Shafii B, Anders P, Lester G.  2009.  Characterization of the Kootenai River aquatic macroinvertebrate community before and after experimental nutrient addition, 2003–2006.  Kootenai River macroinvertebrate characterization. (2009 KTOI report).    Available from
Holdren CE, Ehrlich PR.  1981.  Long range dispersal in checkerspot butterflies: transplant experiments with Euphydryas gillettii.  Oecologia.  50(1):125-129.
Holenbaugh KM.  1973.  The evaluation of geologic processes in the Boise Foothills that may be hazardous to urban development.  
Holifield J..  1987.  Grayia spinosa.