Bibliography and Citations

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Groves C.R.  1991.  American white pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) fact sheet.  
Groves C.R.  1990.  Handwritten notes on great gray owl occurrences.  
Groves C..  1989.  The wolverine: wilderness symbol.  Idaho Wildlife.  9(5):1,30.
Groves C.R, Cassirer E.F, Genter D.L, Reichel J.D.  1996.  Element stewardship abstract: Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon idahoensis).  Natural Areas Journal.  16:238-247.
Groves C.R, Peterson C..  1992.  Distribution and population trends of Idaho amphibians as determined by mail questionnaire.  
Groves C, Yensen E, E. Hart B.  1988.  First specimen records of the rock squirrel (Spermophilus variegatus) in Idaho.  Murrelet.  69(2):50-53.
Groves C..  0.  Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ice Caves.  Groves, C. [no date] Copy of a single page of handwritten notes, summarizing the known locations and collections of Glacicavicola bathyscioides, the blind cave leiodid beetle, including the only mention of Al Allen's collection of the beetle at Crystal Ic.  
Groves C..  1992.  Beyond endangered species: gap analysis, a new approach.  Idaho Wildlife.  12(1):26-27.
Groves C..  1986.  Memo to Wayne Melquist regarding Craig's review of Marc Bechard's manuscript, Historical and current distributions of Swainson's and ferruginous hawks in southern Idaho.  
Groves C.R.  1978.  Home range and local movement of small mammals on the radioactive waste management complex Idaho National Engineering Laboratory site.  
Grows W..  1990.  Letter to Jeri Williams (USFWS) regarding locations of bald eagle nests in the Island Park RD, Targhee NF.  
Grubbs J..  1991.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, regarding the northern bog lemming.  
Grubbs SA, Baumann RW, R. DeWalt E, Tweddale T.  2014.  A review of the Nearctic genus Prostoia (Ricker) (Plecoptera, Nemouridae), with the description of a new species and a surprising range extension for P. hallasi Kondratieff & Kirchner.  ZooKeys.  401:11-30.  Available from
Gruell G., Bunting S., Neuenschwander L..  1985.  Influence of fire on curl-leaf mountain-mahogany in the Intermountain West. Fire's Effects on Wildlife Habitat—Symposium Proceedings.  Lotan JE, Brown JK, editors. Missoula (MT; 1984 Mar 1984 21): U. S. Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station.   p. 58-72.  Available from
Gruhn R..  1961.  The archaeology of Wilson Butte Cave south-central Idaho.  
Grumbine R.E.  1994.  What is ecosystem management? Conservation Biology.  8(1):27-38.
Gruver J.C, Keinath D.A.  2012.  Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii): a technical conservation assessment.  
Gucker CL.  2006.  Cercocarpus ledifolius. Fire Effects Information System [online].    Available from
Guenther G.  2023.  Email correspondence and attachments of RPOR for Ipomopsis congesta ssp. crebrifolia, Pyrrocoma integrifolia, and Primula incana .  
Guerra PA, Gegear RJ, Reppert SM.  2014.  A magnetic compass aids monarch butterfly migration.  Nature Communications.  5:4164.  Available from
Guerrant, Jr. E.O.  1991.  Ex-situ conservation collection of Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii) from Idaho, at the Berry Botanic Garden.  
Guerrant E., McMahan. L..  1997.  Saving seeds for the future - the Seed Bank at Berry Botanic Garden.  Botanic Gardens Conservation News.  2(9):24-26.
Guertin D.S, Pfannmuller. L.A.  1985.  Colonial waterbirds in Minnesota: an update of their distribution and abundance.  Loon.  57:67-78.
Guettler BL.  2007.  Secondary fire effects on Symphoricarpos albus-Rosa spp. plant association in the canyon grasslands of north-central Idaho.  Rangeland Ecology and Management.  Master of Science:66.
Guiguet C.J.  1955.  Mountain quail.