Bibliography and Citations
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Variation in loggerhead shrike nest composition between two shrub species in southwest Idaho. Journal of Field Ornithology. 64(3):352-357.
1993. .
0. .
2001. Dispersal, daily activity, and home range of coyotes in southeastern Idaho. Northwest Science. 56(3):199-207.
1982. .
1980. .
1980. Northern goshawk inventory and monitoring technical guide. Available from
2006. .
1993. Draft recovery plan for the Bruneau hot springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis). Available from;view=1up;seq=1
2000. Professional background information. Wondolleck, Mark..
Submitted. Annotated checklist of the Hepatics of Idaho. Bryologist. 79:422-436.
1976. .
1976. .
1988. Some effects of fluctuating and falling water levels on waterfowl production. Journal of Wildlife Management. 19(1):13-23. Available from
1955. Conservation of endemic plants in serpentine landscapes. Biological Conservation. 100:35-44.
2001. .
1994. Systematics of the genus Rhyacophila (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) in western North America with special reference to the immature stages [master's thesis]. Entomology. :229. Available from
1974. Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices. Restoration Ecology. 29(3)
2020. Studies on the decomposition of Potamogeton diversifolius. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. 102(2):76-78. Available from
1975. Ferruginous hawk nest site selection. Journal of Wildlife Management. 47(1):216-219.
1983. The breeding biology of an isolated bobolink population in Oregon. Condor. 80:355-371. Available from
1978. .
2004. .
1978. A genetic investigation of suspected redband trout populations. Copeia. 1984:120-132.