Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 2351 - 2375 of 3534 questions

Q: Price for exchange student fishing licence?

I need to know what the price will be for an exchange student to buy a fishing licence.


An exchange student pays the resident fee for a fishing license.  For ages 14 through 17 the cost is  $13.75.
answered 11/2/2012


All of the elk hunts in unit 44 are "any weapon" hunts.  You can use archery equipment to hunt in an any weapon hunt.
answered 11/2/2012

Q: Can I have two loaded shotguns in possession for waterfowl while hunting?

Is it legal for one person to have two loaded shotguns in possession while hunting waterfowl?


  There are no limitations to the number of guns you can possess while waterfowl hunting, as long as the following rules are followed:  1) guns are not capable of holding more than 3 shells (including chamber and magazine), and 2) you are only in possession of nontoxic shot.  If one of the shotguns is loaded for deer, we are recommending use of slugs.  Lead 'OO' buckshot is not classified as nontoxic shot.  
answered 11/1/2012

Q: Can you use both hooks on a Kwik fish or hotshot for Steelhead

Is it OK to keep both hooks on a lure, provided the barbs are crimped for Steelhead in the Clearwater River?


Yes, but you can only use multiple, single-point hooks  (NO treble hooks) that are barbless (or barbs bent down).   
answered 11/1/2012

Q: 209 primer

Does the Fish and Game plan to let muzzleloader hunters use 209 primer in muzzleloading hunts in 2013 ?


Idaho Fish and Game does not have any proposed 2013 rule changes for the use of 209 primers in muzzleloader-only hunts.  Any hunting equipment rule changes effective in 2013 would have had to been adopted by the Idaho Fish and Game Commission during summer 2012; allowing for review and approval by the 2013 Legislature before becoming effective.
answered 11/1/2012


Under the current rules, you can catch and keep 20 hatchery-produced steelhead during the spring season and 20 hatchery-produced steelhead in the fall season for a grand total of 40 steelhead in a year.  See the steelhead section (page 36) of our current 2011 - 2012 Fishing Rules booklet or page 43 in our soon to be adopted 2013+ rule booklet.
answered 10/31/2012


You must have a hunting license to hunt snowshoe hare in the Panhandle.  No other permit is required. The season is August 30-March 31, 2013 and the daily bag limit is 8 hares, possession limit is 24. This information is in the Upland Game Rules Book.
answered 10/31/2012

Q: Additional information about tree stands

Found the below link on your website. but what is considered a "portable" tree stand? Reason I ask is there has been a metal tree stand on Idaho Dept. of Lands for two years now, and I wonder if it's legal to leave it there year after year. I can send you a picture of it, but it was foggy that morning. Location via and paste in N46 51 48, W115 52 42. Look for the Green arrow.


Idaho Dep't of Lands would be the agency that has jurisdiction and may have an issue with tree stands left on lands they manage. Idaho Fish and Game only regulates tree stands on property IDFG owns or manages (our Wildlife Management Areas). The Idaho Fish and Game Commission has a rule that prohibits:  construction of blinds, pits, platforms, or tree stands where the soil is disturbed, trees are cut or altered, and artificial fasteners, such as wire, rope, or nails are used. All blinds shall be available to the public on a "first-come - first-served" basis. Portable manufactured blinds and tree stands are allowed but may not be left overnight. In reference your question asking the definition of Portable the rule is speaking to those commercially built type blinds or tree stands that are easily moved instead of a blind or tree stand you would construct from materials on site. Again, this rule is specific on to land owned or managed by Idaho Fish and Game and does not apply to lands owned privately, or by any other public agency, such as Idaho Dept. of Lands, US Forest Service, Idaho Parks and Recreation, BLM, etc.
answered 10/31/2012

Q: Questions on report from wildlife summit...

I have been perusing the recently released report from the wildlife summit, and have a couple of questions. On page 3 you provide a geographic breakdown of participation. Can you please provide details as to the number of participants at each location who identified themselves as hunters. Also, can you please indicate how many participants at each location were there representing an outside (non-governmental) organization?


Q. “Have you been hunting in Idaho the past 2 years?”     Region Count Blank Yes No Not Sure Panhandle 34 2 21 10 1 Clearwater 20 --- 10 10 --- Boise 248 8 138 102 --- Magic Valley 74 1 57 16 --- Southeast 53 2 24 27 --- Upper Snake 135 6 79 50 --- Salmon 32 1 24 7 --- Statewide 596 20 353 222 1     Q. “We would like to know if you are representing an organization at the Summit.  Please select one response below that best describes what type of organization (if any) you are representing today.    Myself…I am not representing an organization A non-governmental organization, such as Idaho State Bowhunters or National Wildlife Federation An Idaho state or local governmental agency A federal governmental agency A business or corporation Other     Region Count Blank Myself NGO Idaho gov Fed gov Business Other Panhandle 34 3 19 7 2 1 1 1 Clearwater 20 --- 17 2 --- --- 1 --- Boise 248 13 145 53 12 9 9 7 Magic Valley 74 --- 48 14 2 3 5 2 Southeast 53 --- 41 5 2 1 4 --- Upper Snake 135 4 87 24 7 10 1 2 Salmon 32 1 20 7 --- 1 2 1 Statewide 596 21 377 112 25 25 23 13                                                                                        
answered 10/31/2012


Idaho Fish and Game does not have any rules prohibiting the transportation of firearms with ammunition in the magazine while traveling within the state.  Although we are not aware of any federal laws, other state agency laws, or municipal laws prohibiting transportation of weapons with ammunition in the magazine, we urge hunters to check with appropriate entities.  For more information, a couple of links are provided below:  
answered 10/31/2012


            Deer Seasons General Any Weapon Regular Tag 10/10/12-10/31/12 Antlered White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 1 10/10/12-11/9/12 Antlerless White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 4, Unit 7, Unit 9 10/10/12-11/9/12 Antlered Mule and White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 2* (except Farragut SP), Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 4A, Unit 5, Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 9 11/1/12-12/1/12 Antlerless White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 1, Unit 2* (except Farragut SP), Unit 3, Unit 4A, Unit 5, Unit 6 11/1/12-12/1/12 Antlered Mule and White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 1 11/10/12-12/1/12 Antlered White-tailed Deer Any Weapon Unit 2* (except Farragut SP), Unit 3, Unit 4A, Unit 5, Unit 6  
answered 10/30/2012


If you are hunting migratory game birds (waterfowl, doves) you cannot hunt with a shotgun capable of holding more than 3 shells unless it it plugged with a one-piece filler which cannot be removed without disassembling the gun.  
answered 10/30/2012

Q: What is the protocol for accessing the Boise Front WMA? I have hunted that area from the top but would like to hunt from the Harris Ranch trail head for ease of packing an elk out. What should I be weary of concerning private property access?

I have spoken with two hunters who have packed out animals through the bottom of this WMA around Harris Ranch. They thought they had access but apparently crossed private ground and were ticketed. I have harvested several elk from this area but from the top. It would have been easier to pack them out through the bottom, but I was unsure of how to go about this.


The Boise Front Segment of the Boise River Wildlife Management Area (BRWMA), including Lucky Peak Mountain, can be accessed by using Highland Valley Road (off of SH-21). The following link provides a map of the WMA and the roads The Boise Front Segment is open to motorized vehicles from May 1 to November 15. Motorized vehicles must remain on designated routes at all times. Hunters are responsible for contacting the private property owner for permission to access their land. Check out our Hunt Planner to see county boundaries, property boundaries and WMA boundaries Some hunters want to have access from the Harris Ranch Trailhead but those property owners (Harris Ranch property owners) do not want anyone on their property (motorized vehicles or walkers, hikers or hunters).  
answered 10/30/2012

Q: How many nonresident applicants applied for the 2012 nonresident Hound Permit?

How many Nonresident applicants applied for the 2012 Non-Resident Hound Permit?


We had 120 applicants for the 2012 Nonresident Hound Hunter permits.
answered 10/29/2012

Q: Why are Magpies protected?

How come magpies are protected? Is there a season when we can shoot them?


All birds are protected except for starlings, Eurasian-collared doves, English sparrows and feral pigeons.  The exceptions are certain species of waterfowl, doves and upland game birds, which can only be hunted during seasons that Idaho Fish and Game authorizes. All other birds are classified as protected nongame and cannot be hunted.
answered 10/29/2012


Trapping licenses can only be purchased at a Fish and Game office or by mail.  Contact your region office (Upper Snake, 208-525-7290) to obtain an application form.
answered 10/29/2012


If the land manager (such as the Forest Service, BLM) has designated a trail or area for foot or horse traffic only you cannot use an ATV/OHV there.
answered 10/29/2012

Q: I have hunted with a bow back in 1980.

Do I need to take a bow hunter course or how would I prove that I hunted with a bow?


The vendor that you purchase your archery validation from will have an archery affidavit that you can fill out and sign indicating that you have experience hunting with archery equipment.
answered 10/28/2012


No, you can use the tag the day you purchase it as long as the season is open.    
answered 10/28/2012


Contact the region office for your area.  They will either have a scorer on staff or will have the contact information for one in your area.
answered 10/28/2012

Q: Will a previous bow tag from Washington or Oregon meet the archery permit requirement?

Idaho's Rules: "To participate in an archery only hunt a bowhunter must complete a Bowhunter Education Course or provide proof that a valid archery permit was previously held in Idaho or another state." I understand Idaho requires an archery permit to hunt, but wanted to know if a previous bow tag from Washington or Oregon would meet the requirement for "valid archery permit", or do I need to take a class? I have been bow hunting since 2001, and have some of my old tags that I would be happy to copy and send if necessary. Thank You, Rob


Yes.  That will allow you to purchase an Idaho archery validation so you can hunt in an archery-only season.
answered 10/26/2012


It is not legal in Idaho to let your line sit overnight.  Fishing lines must be attended at all times by the person who is fishing.
answered 10/26/2012


Please check the idfg website for a news release on steelhead plants.  They start this week on Thursday (Nov. 1). We plan to stock the following week also. Anything after that has yet to be determined.  
answered 10/26/2012


This list includes fish species found to be present in this water during fish surveys. This may not be a complete list of species present in this water. Some species listed here may only be present in small quantities or seasonally. Black Crappie ,  Brown Bullhead ,  Brown Trout ,  Bull Trout ,  Chinook Salmon ,  Kokanee (Early Spawner) ,  Kokanee (Late Spawner) ,  Largemouth Bass ,  Largescale Sucker ,  Longnose Sucker ,  Northern Pike ,  Northern Pikeminnow ,  Pumpkinseed ,  Rainbow Trout ,  Sculpin (Var. Species) ,  Smallmouth Bass ,  Tench ,  Tiger Musky ,  Westslope Cutthroat Trout ,  Yellow PerchBull Trout are a protected species in Idaho and may be present in this water. If you catch a Bull Trout, it must be released immediately, unharmed, back into the water.
answered 10/26/2012


The following list lays out the types of animals that cannot be hunted or kept: Protected Nongame Wildlife, Species of Special Concern, Threatened or Endangered Species, Protected Birds Special classifications for some animals extend extra protection to those species. These animals cannot be hunted, taken or possessed. Threatened or endangered wildlife include caribou, Canada lynx, grizzly bear, and Northern Idaho ground squirrel. Protected nongame wildlife include red (pine) squirrel, wolverine, chipmunks, rock squirrel, Wyoming ground squirrel (nevadensis subspecies only), golden-mantled ground squirrel, Merriam’s ground squirrel, Piute ground squirrel, pika, kit fox, northern flying squirrel, bats, Southern Idaho ground squirrel and migratory song birds. See page 44 in the Upland Game Rules for more ground squirrel information. All birds in Idaho are protected except starlings, Eurasian-collared doves, English sparrows and feral pigeons. Protected nongame birds cannot be hunted, taken or possessed (including parts of birds, even if found dead). All hawks, owls, eagles and vultures are protected. Game birds may be taken only in accordance with established hunting rules.
answered 10/25/2012