Questions on report from wildlife summit...

I have been perusing the recently released report from the wildlife summit, and have a couple of questions. On page 3 you provide a geographic breakdown of participation. Can you please provide details as to the number of participants at each location who identified themselves as hunters. Also, can you please indicate how many participants at each location were there representing an outside (non-governmental) organization?
Q. “Have you been hunting in Idaho the past 2 years?”     Region Count Blank Yes No Not Sure Panhandle 34 2 21 10 1 Clearwater 20 --- 10 10 --- Boise 248 8 138 102 --- Magic Valley 74 1 57 16 --- Southeast 53 2 24 27 --- Upper Snake 135 6 79 50 --- Salmon 32 1 24 7 --- Statewide 596 20 353 222 1     Q. “We would like to know if you are representing an organization at the Summit.  Please select one response below that best describes what type of organization (if any) you are representing today.    Myself…I am not representing an organization A non-governmental organization, such as Idaho State Bowhunters or National Wildlife Federation An Idaho state or local governmental agency A federal governmental agency A business or corporation Other     Region Count Blank Myself NGO Idaho gov Fed gov Business Other Panhandle 34 3 19 7 2 1 1 1 Clearwater 20 --- 17 2 --- --- 1 --- Boise 248 13 145 53 12 9 9 7 Magic Valley 74 --- 48 14 2 3 5 2 Southeast 53 --- 41 5 2 1 4 --- Upper Snake 135 4 87 24 7 10 1 2 Salmon 32 1 20 7 --- 1 2 1 Statewide 596 21 377 112 25 25 23 13                                                                                        
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Friday, November 2, 2012 - 10:18 AM MDT