Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 1051 - 1075 of 3534 questionsQ: Catch and release suggestion
How would I go about suggesting a catch and release are for large mouth bass. There is a area over on Black Canyon res. that would make a GREAT catch and release area. If not total catch and release at least a size and take limit. The are is at the upper end of the res. we locals call it "the bend" or River bend. This would make a great place to protect the few LARGE bass that are in the area. For more info call me, Ted Burgess 208-369-7471. tedsharonb@live.comA:
Every 3-years, we go to the public and solicit suggestions for changes to our fishing rules - and that process will begin in January 2015. This will be for new fishing rules that cover the time period of January 1, 2016 through December 30, 2018. Contact the Regional Fisheries Manager in our Nampa Office 465-8465 to include your suggestion. We don't make every change that is suggested by the public but we do evaluate each and look at the biological and social impacts. If the Department staff believes it will benefit the resource, the change will be recommended to our Commission who actually sets season and bag limit rules for fishing in Idaho.answered 7/5/2014
Q: Deer killing my garden and trees
Hello, Whitetail deer are decimating our garden and fruit trees despite our best efforts with netting, dogs, and obstacles. At this point, my wife wants me to kill the deer. Is this legal? Thank you, BenjaminA:
Benjamin, Living with Wildlife in our backyards can be frustrating especially when they start helping themselves to the "fruits" of our labors. I would encourage you to contact your local Regional Office to determine who is your local Conservation Officer or Landowner Sportsman Coordinator to provide you with some assistance. The web site can provide you with the phone numbers of each Regional Office just call the one closest to you. They may be able to offer you suggestions or solutions that you have not tried yet. There are sprays and other items that might bring you success. The killing of big game animals outside of season’s and other regulations is unlawful.answered 7/5/2014
Q: Tuna fish balls for bait fishing for Salmon.
I have been told that tuna fish balls are a great bait to fish for Salmon. How do you "tie up" the tuna fish balls and what is the best way to attach them to your line (just above the hook, I think)?A:
The best thing to use is moline. It's a tough mesh material that holds the tuna (and other secret ingredients). Cut the moline into 3" by 3" squares, lay-in your bait, and gather the four corners. Tie the top of the ball off with thread or a fine string using a couple of half-knots to secure the thread end. Then, run your hook through the ball of material. This same material also works well for holding clumps of salmon eggs, as well. Moline can be found at most sporting goods stores that sell salmon and steelhead fishing equipment.answered 7/5/2014
Q: Controlled hunt tags
We drew some controlled hunt tags when do we need to pick them up?A:
Controlled hunt tags must be picked up by the end of the day on August 1, 2014.answered 7/5/2014
Q: Swager lake
hello, my friend recently told me about a lake called swager lake. It is located near sawmill canyon. We were wondering if there is a walkable trail to it and what the limit might be?A:
You're friend was likely referring to Swauger Lake in the Little Lost River drainage. Swauger Lake is located on the other side of the Little Lost drainage from Sawmill Canyon, in the Dry Creek watershed. The trail to Swauger Lake starts from Long Lost Creek. The current regulations in Swauger Lake are: trout limit is 2, none under 20 inches.answered 7/5/2014
Q: Special drawing due to 9,10 and 11 year old mistake
We have 4 applicants on our application and only 2 tags were allocated for our unit does this mean we are ineligible?A:
Yes. If there are more applicants on an application than permits available in a given hunt, then the application cannot draw.answered 7/3/2014
Q: Electronic Federal Duck Stamp
What are your laws about federal duck stamps? And what about the electronic duck stamp? Do you see Issues with temporary vs actual stamp and passing it along to others? Do you require a Signature? and can you Affixing the duck stamp to the waterfowl license?A:
Please refer to Idaho Waterfowl and Seasons and Rules book. You may affix the stamp to your license, however, please remember that stamp is good into the new year so remember to keep your old license with stamp attached until the end of the season. Stamps and Validations:• Federal Migratory Bird Stamp signed in ink by the holder, is required for any waterfowl hunter 16 or older. They areavailable at U.S. post offices for $15 and valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Hunters may also buy areceipt for the stamp at any Fish and Game office or license vendor for $17.75. The receipt is valid 45 days from the dateof issue, sufficient time for the actual stamp to arrive in the mail.• Federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program validation (federal HIP), costs $1.75 for residents,or $4.75 for nonresidents, effective from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Required for all waterfowlhunters.Both are available online at: and at any license vendor.answered 7/3/2014
Q: General Season Elk Tag Sale Date
When does the General Season Elk Tag (Boise River Zone, Unit 39) go on sale ?A:
This year the resident general season elk tags went on sale June 25th. We make most of the resident general season tags available when the controlled hunt results are posted to the license system. That means the date can change every year depending on when the controlled hunt drawing is completed. Those elk zones with limited number of tags go such as the Sawtooth B tag go on sale July 10.answered 7/2/2014
Q: Eotech & Deer
Can a battery powered Eotech holographic sight be used (similar to a red dot) while hunting deer.A:
In January of 2007 this went through public scoping and the commission adopted the recommendation as follows. No person shall take big game animals with any electronic device attached to, or incorporated in, the firearm (including handguns andshotguns) or scope; except scopes containing battery powered or tritium lighted reticles are allowed. These are somtimes referred to as 'Red Dot' or 'Holographic' sites.answered 7/2/2014
Q: sportsman's quota on the upper salmon river for 2014
What is the sportsman's Quota on the upper salmon river this yearA:
It's roughly 1,200 fish in 2014. This is based on the projected number of hatchery Chinook that are returning to Pahsimeroi and Sawtooth hatcheries. We subtract the number of adult fish needed for brood stock and divide what's left between tribal and nontribal anglers. The run coming back to Pahsimeroi is smaller than we had hoped and the quota is only about 140 adults - so we may be forced to close from the North Fork to Pahsimeroi much sooner than the Pahsimeroi to Sawtooth Fish Hatchery.answered 7/2/2014
Q: Parental consent form for hunters education
My daughter is starting hunters education next week and she will need the parental consent form signed, but I am not able to find it on the website.A:
The parental consent is required for individuals less than eighteen (18) years of age, for use of the online Hunter or Bowhunter Education Course Registration. Anyone under age 18 must bring a signed Parental Acknowledgement Form to their first day or night of the course. Download and print the Parental Acknowledgement Form from the right side of the Hunter Education Sign Up page located at .answered 7/1/2014
Q: One day fishing liscense
Can an idaho resident buy a fishing license for one day?A:
Yes they can - but the question is why? Idaho offers some of the best and most diverse year-around fishing in the western United States and our season licenses are one of the best values in outdoor recreation. How about trying a season license and keep track of how many different species of fish you can catch in a year?answered 7/1/2014
Q: Fish "bag" and "possesion" limits clarified
In other explanations you have shown that the bag and possession limits are the same unless otherwise stated. However, tell me if this is correct. Say I am staying to fish for say 2 days and a fellow fisherman is leaving after one day. Can I fill out a proxy statement and let him/her take them home even if they have their daily limits and, then can I continue to fish?A:
Yes, this would be legal. The person transporting the fish can possess one bag limit and your bag limit provided they have the proxy you've filled out and signed verifying the fish are yours.answered 7/1/2014
Q: Really... [Regarding limits of Chinook along river stretches]
140 fish for NF to Ellis? Someone at fish and game needs to pull their head out and give us some support for this fishery to get a chance at a real season. How long do you think it will take to harvest 140 fish in this section when the fish are stacked in there? That's what I thought, about a day. Good to see that everyone else from the Pacific to Western Idaho got a chance to fish again this year. Proof is in the numbers, Pahsimeroi fish never get a chance to return and are harvested through out the system until there are none left for those of us that fish the upper reaches. Your theory that no one touches them because pit tag data proves they come up later after those seasons are closed does not hold up. Where are they going when the other fish stocks don't seem to be disappearing?A:
We wish the returning adult Chinook numbers were only influenced by angling. That would make our jobs much easier. Truth is, we knew two years ago that the Chinook numbers returning to Pahsimeroi Hatchery would be low in 2014. PIT tag information collected at Lower Granite Dam in the spring of 2012 indicated we had poor survival of the smolt between Pahsimeroi and Lower Granite Dam. Numbers looked even worse when the Pahsimeroi to Bonneville Dam information was analyzed. Why? Frankly, we don't know. It could have been caused by a disease out-break or a nutrietional deficiency about the time of release. We were hoping low survival numbers generated by PIT tag detections in 2012 were caused by poor tagging practices at the hatchery (if PIT tags are improperly inserted, they will be shed by the fish). Producing anadromous fish for sportsmen in Idaho is complicated and many of the variables affecting survival/returns are out of our control. All we can do is deal with the items we can influence - such as the quality of the fish leaving our hatcheries. We are always trying new technology, diets, and rearing practices that improve survival of the fish on their downstream journey. We will continue working to increase the return of Chinook for sportsmen to the Pahsimeroi.answered 7/1/2014
Q: What lures work best for chinook?
What lures work best for chinook on the upper salmon river up by Stanley?A:
I'm not going to tell you that lures don't work for catching Chinook salmon - because as soon as I do, the fish prove me wrong. If you are going to use a lure, use one that mimics a predatory fish the Chinook think might be a threat to eat the eggs they are preparing to lay. I would consider an olive green and silver color spoon that could resemble a bull trout or a northern pikeminnow. Your chances of catching a Chinook salmon are better if you use bait. Salmon eggs or tuna balls have proven to be effective baits for catching Chinook. Remember to use a barbless hook.answered 6/30/2014
Q: Bonus Points
No controlled hunt tags again this year and no bonus points for applying. Idaho is the only state I apply for hunts and don't receive bonus points if I don't draw. Is there even any discussion about adopting a bonus point plan? Oregon, Montana, Utah and Wyoming seem to think it's a good idea.A:
In 2010, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission considered adopting a Bonus Points system, but ultimately decided against it in part because there was a lack of consensus among sportsmen. In 2005, the Commission also considered and rejected such a system Information about the history of Bonuse Points proposals in Idaho is posted on the Fish and Game website: As Commission members change, it is possible Bonus Points could be considered again sometime in the future.answered 6/30/2014
Q: fishing at bear lake
Will my Idaho fishing license allow me to fish all of bear lake?A:
Yes, your Idaho Fishing license is good on all water in Bear Lake except areas closed to both Idaho and Utah anglers. We actually have a reciprical agreemeent with Utah for this body of water. Check for signs and additional information. Also, see page 53 of our Idaho Fishing Rules.answered 6/30/2014
Q: Alexander reservoir and catfish
I read the upper 1/3 part of the lake is good for catfish. But we are unsure where that 1/3 begins. Is it closer to the dam or closer to Soda Springs? And what is the stocking date for catfish at the lake for 2014A:
The "upper end" is towards Soda Springs. Most catfishing is done in shallow water (3 - 4') and the best success this time of year is usually at night. Use cut-bait or worms and fish on the bottom. We typically stock 6" channel catfish fingerlings in the second to third week of July. Because we buy these fish commercially, we are somewhat at the mercy of the producers when it comes to stocking and when they have fish available that meet our specifications.answered 6/30/2014
Q: Controlled tag
When do we need to pick up our tags if we drew the controlled hunt?A:
Controlled hunt tags must be picked up by the end of the day on August 1, 2014.answered 6/29/2014
Q: Pikeminnow
I was fishing today and caught two pikeminnow I was wondering if they are safe and good to eat?A:
Northern pikeminnow have been consumed by native Americans for hundreds of years. The meat is tasty but they have many small bones. Because Northern Pikeminnow are a long-lived piscivorous (fish-eater) fish, they tend to bioaccumulate (store) heavy metals in their tissue. There are even advisories on the Payette River and Salmon River for Northern Pikeminnow and mercury. Check with Idaho Health and Welfare for more details.answered 6/28/2014
Q: Weapon for control hunt 1114
A friend and I drew on the extra doe tags for Unit 1...Control hunt #1114. The season runs from Oct. 10 to Dec. 24. I believe we can only use our center fire rifles from Oct 10 to Dec. 1 and then must use weapon prescribed in late season hunt (muzzleloader). My friend say we can use our center-fire rifles the whole season...Oct. 10 through Dec. 24. What is the Fish and Game's ruling on weapons?A:
Hunt #1114 is archery only from August 30 to September 30, and any weapon from October 10 to December 24. Please note the other limiting criteria of this hunt...that it includes that portion of unit 1 within one mile of private land, and that it is for white-tailed does only.answered 6/28/2014
Q: Ralf's Pond, Parma Id
Is there any fish in this pond and the ones' around it? If so what kind?A:
We are not familiar with Ralf's Pond. Could you provide more information on its location? or by chance, does it have an alternate name? I suspect that it a private pond. Most private ponds in this area possess largemouth bass and bluegill as well as several other warm water species.answered 6/28/2014
Q: license
Just moved my mother to Idaho. Want to take her fishing 7/5/2014. Can we purchase a one day for that date ahead of time?A:
Yes, when you go to a license vendor to buy her license, they will ask you "what day(s) would you like the license to be valid?" They enter the date(s) you provide and it prints on her license. Good luck!answered 6/27/2014
Q: Unfair drawings
Why were 9 and 10 year olds allowed to put in for drawings when regulations said they would not. Any that drew on tags should be removed, and all people that put in for those tags should have a chance to be drawn again.A:
Fish and Game Director Virgil Moore has decided to let the tags drawn by youth stand because of apparenty confusion about eligibility requirements for the first controlled hunt drawing. A new law took effect July 1, 2014 allowing 10 year olds to hunt big game. The first drawing occured before the new law took effect. In allowing the tags to stand, Moore cited Fish and Game's inadequate communication of its interpretation of controlled hunt eligibilty requirements. Those requirements were included in the big game rules, but not explained consistently throughout the brochure. In making his decision, Director Moore released 283 additional tages for deer, elk and pronghorn for a special drawing. Please see the Idaho Fish and Game homepage at for more information.answered 6/27/2014
Q: Is it possible to not be drawn in an unlimited archery antelope controlled hunt during the first controlled hunt draw??
Is it possible to not be drawn in an unlimited archery antelope controlled hunt during the first controlled hunt draw??A:
Yes it is. The reason would be the application submitted was made ineligible due to a rule violation such as submitting for an antlered hunt as the first choice when the individual drew an antlered hunt the prior year.answered 6/26/2014