Electronic Federal Duck Stamp

What are your laws about federal duck stamps? And what about the electronic duck stamp? Do you see Issues with temporary vs actual stamp and passing it along to others? Do you require a Signature? and can you Affixing the duck stamp to the waterfowl license?
Please refer to Idaho Waterfowl and Seasons and Rules book.  You may affix the stamp to your license, however, please remember that stamp is good into the new year so remember to keep your old license with stamp attached until the end of the season. Stamps and Validations:• Federal Migratory Bird Stamp signed in ink by the holder, is required for any waterfowl hunter 16 or older. They areavailable at U.S. post offices for $15 and valid from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Hunters may also buy areceipt for the stamp at any Fish and Game office or license vendor for $17.75. The receipt is valid 45 days from the dateof issue, sufficient time for the actual stamp to arrive in the mail.• Federal Migratory Game Bird Harvest Information Program validation (federal HIP), costs $1.75 for residents,or $4.75 for nonresidents, effective from January 1 through December 31 of each year. Required for all waterfowlhunters.Both are available online at: https://fishandgame.idaho.gov and at any license vendor.
Answered on: 
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 11:12 AM MDT