Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 101 - 125 of 3534 questionsQ: Do I need a trappers license to trap rats?
I getting some pack rats at my work location, do I need a trapping license to trap out these rats?A:
No you do not. Thanks for asking!answered 4/11/2016
Q: Where are the public boat ramps on milner resevoir?
Searched the reservoir on google maps and cant identify anything that would look like a public access point with boat ramp. I believe the BLM Milner rec site west of Burley would qualify. This is a really large reservoir to not have sportsman access points, and a long drive from Montpelier to search all the possibilities. any information would be greatly appreciated, Thanks for your time.A:
There are several public and commercial access sites on Milner Reservoir. Start by searching parks in Burley and Heyburn. The best site is Lud Drexler Park in Burley where Overland Road crosses the Snake River. The BLM "Milner Historic Recreation Area" located 9 miles south of Burley also has a ramp and camping amenities. Search key words BLM Milner Reservoir for images and information on some of the most popular Milner Reservoir sites.answered 4/11/2016
Q: Fishing with two pole permits
Can another person fish on a two pole permit?A:
No they can not fish in idaho without a valid licnese that was purchsed for the individual.answered 4/10/2016
Q: What are the rules about raising deer for meat?
I looked around the website as much as I could and I could not find any information about raising deer or elk on a farm for meat. What are the rules, what permits would I need? Would I need to post no trespassing and no hunting? How likely is it that they would be bothered more than cows in pasture land?A:
Domestic wildlife (deer and elk) are considered livestock and are therefore managed by Idaho Department of Agriculture. You would have to contact them for rules and regulations regarding game farming.answered 4/8/2016
Q: Is it ever going to be discussed about changing the rule of mounting a Gopro to guns or bows to video a hunt?
I understand not being able to mount certain electronic devices to guns or bows to give you an advantage but a Gopro gives you no advantage except to film your hunt.A:
This is an issue that the Commission could take up at any time. Currently, no electronic devices may be attached to archery equipment or firearms.answered 4/8/2016
Q: Removing deer in residential neighborhoods
Four deer have taken up residence in my neighborhood (South Boise near Manitou Park). Who can I call to have them removed. They are eating our shrubs, etc.A:
Some general steps you can take is to make loud noises, startle the deer, and make it uncomfortable for the deer. There are some commercial and home-made remedies that you can spray on your shrubs and other ways to either protect or make your shrubs less palatable. Removal of deer in residential neighborhoods is not always practical or standard. For more specific steps that can be tailored to your specific situation you are can call your regional office. In SW Idaho that is the Nampa office - 465-8465.answered 4/8/2016
Q: Can I use a 22, 22 mag, and 17 hmr (all rimfire cartiges) for mountian lions?
Page 98 of Big Game under weapons notes exception for mountain lions for rimfire guns - I believeA:
Yes, it is legal to take mountain lion or legally trapped gray wolves with a rimfire weapon. For all other big game, the use of a rimfire would be unlawful.answered 4/6/2016
Q: If big game hunters must dispose of carcasses properly, why isn't this also the standard for salvagers, which don't have to take all the animal if they don't want to?
Big game hunters are required to properly dispose of carcasses but salvagers can gut an elk along an interstate and leave it legally. Potentially causing another accident from scavaging animals not to mention the eye sore and leaving it for someone else to clean up. Why is that?A:
That is a good question. We ask that salvagers pick up the animal they wish to salvage and haul it away to process. We also ask they put safety first when salvaging. Proper disposal of a carcass is always recommended once you take it into possession. However, you bring up a good point that people don't always use safe and common sense practices when salvaging a large animal. Perhaps it is something we need to revisit in our salvage rule.answered 4/5/2016
Q: Can i use a spear gun on carp while snorkeling or from the shore?
I have a couple of spear guns from when my father use to scuba. I was wondering if it is legal to use those on non-game fish such as carp.A:
You may legally use a spear gun or archery equipment to fish for non game species such as carp. Please be aware that many species look similar underwater and that you must be able to identify your target positively.answered 4/5/2016
Q: Can I complete Oregon's hunter education if I'm an Idaho resident?
Can I complete the Oregon hunter's education course, if I'm an Idaho resident, and have never taken it?A:
A hunter education certification from another state would qualify for purchasing a hunting license in Idaho. This includes online and instructor-led courses. States vary whether they accept non-residents into hunter education courses. To find out contact the hunter education program in the state where you plan on taking hunter education.answered 4/5/2016
Q: Size of Idaho Bass
I've been spending some time fishing Silver Lake down in Boise. I have quite a few questions about it. It's rumored you guys are responsible for either actively stocking the lake or you stocked it at one point, is this true? Now that aside, there's two rumors that have really been bugging me. According to some fishermen 4-5 lbs is the "average" size of largemouth bass in this lake. They also claim 8lbs is a "quality" fish. I've yet to actually see any of these fish and I've caught plenty of 1.5 to 2 lb fish which they mentioned were four lbers. From this I can already image how they would see a four pounder as an eight pounder. Are their measurements off or are these just tall tales? Now my question is, for a northern lake here in Idaho, is this even possible? The second rumor I've heard which is there is spotted bass. To me this is just too outlandish, but could it be true?A:
Silver Lake is a private water. We have little to do with its management, though we have some oversight responsibility regarding fish stocking and importation. We certainly do not stock it currently (we do not stock waters inaccessible to the public) and there are no records of it being stocked by IDFG recently. However, historical stocking records are not perfectly complete, so it is possible that we may have stocked it a long time ago. Regardless, it is not a public water currently. As for average size bass, anglers are known exaggerators. We would be more than fairly surprised that any water in Idaho possesses bass that average 4 lbs. As for 8 lbers, we occassionaly see largemouth bass in this size range in other waters that we sample, but they are exceedingly rare. Throughout my career, sampling thousands of fish with electrofishing equipment, I've only handeled two, both of which were from CJ Strike, though certain small waters in the Southwest Region have trophy potential. As far as we know, there are no spotted bass in Idaho. If they are in Silver Lake, it would be without our knowledge and would be the results of illegal transport or introduction from other states. This is fairly unlikely as potential source waters are a long distance away.answered 4/4/2016
Q: are controlled hunts draws separate for different weapon types?
Is the muzzleloader elk draw separate from the archery elk draw? Or, is it all combine?A:
There are 3 types of hunts in Idaho. Any weapon, muzzleloader only and archery only. If a hunt does not specific muzzlerloader or archery, it would be an any weapon.answered 4/3/2016
Q: Bowhunter education
So I took my bow hunters ed. Do I need to go and shoot for some one like the do for hunters ed for rifles at the end or the course?A:
The bowhunter online course is online only. At the end of the course print your certification card and you take this to purchase your archery tag. If you participated in the instructor-led course, you received your card at the end of the course. Lost your card? Use our self-serve certification look up at - hunter education.answered 4/2/2016
Q: What do you need to bring with on field day?
What is required to bring with on field day; if taking the instructor led course?A:
Please bring the printed voucher available at the end of the online course. Either paper copy or electronically available for the instructor to read and verify that you passed the online course. Field days are held outside. Prepare for the weather conditions.answered 4/2/2016
Q: Moose hunting non-resident allocation.
Hunt #3043 for Moose, 2015, shows that there were 2 tags available, but 1 was awarded to a non-resident. Since there were more than 2 resident applicants, how can this be?A:
Idaho Fish and Game Commission rules for controlled hunts state: In controlled hunts with ten (10) or fewer tags, not more than one (1) nonresident tag will be issued. In controlled hunts, EXCEPT unlimited controlled hunts, with more than ten (10) tags, not more than ten percent (10%) of the tags will be issued to nonresidents. This rule shall be applied to each uniquely numbered controlled hunt and to the controlled hunts for each species. Based on the rule stated above, the hunt with two tags could potentially have one tag drawn by a nonresident. It does not guarantee one tag will go to a nonresident but there is a chance one could in the random draw process.answered 4/1/2016
Q: Is the ice off Payette Lake?
I want to fish the ice off period on Payette Lake. How can I get current information on if/when the ice will be off Payette Lake?A:
Ice will likely be off 10 days to 14 days from now. You can look at has a webcam of the area next to town.answered 4/1/2016
Q: How to pick the right color lure?
I'll be going to the store in a couple days for trout lures. i was wondering what type of lure is best for trout in the Boise River? my other question is how do I pick the right type of color? Should I just pick ones that I think will work and experiment with them?A:
Based on my own personal experience, I would recommend smallish in-line spinners. Common brands include blue fox or mepps. Personally, I have caught trout on silver or blue and silver, blue fox spinners in size one to three. Alternatively, you might want to try small (2-3.5") "stick" baits. Common brands include rapala, storm, or others. Lastly, you might consider black or brown marabou jigs. You will see other anglers on the Boise River that prefer bait (primarily worms or eggs) or fly fishing (primarily nymphs or streamers), which would be other options. Please be reminded that for the most part, the daily bag limit is six trout except for a small section in east Boise.answered 3/30/2016
Q: What types of live bait are allowed to be used in Idaho?
Are we allowed to use live minnows for bait while fishing for crappie and bluegill here in Idaho? And are we allowed to use bee moths or as some call it wax worms?A:
No live swimming bait is legal for use while fishing in Idaho waters. Non-swimming live bait like worms, nightcrawlers, fly larve (maggots), wax worms, etc. are allowed to be used while fishing. Live crayfish can only be used for bait if they were captured from the water in which you are fishing. The reason for not allowing live bait is two-fold. First, we don't want new invasive fish species to be established in Idaho from live bait escaping from anglers. The second issue has to do with transmission of diseases. Some out-of-state bait sources carry diseases that could be transmitted to Idaho fish populations and cause population level mortality. This not only effects recreational populations of fish but can also become introduced into commercial fish rearing operations and have huge impacts on their business.answered 3/29/2016
Q: 2015 big game harvest statistics
With the upcoming application period for Moose, sheep, and goats beginning on April 1, when are the 2015 harvest statistics going to be available?A:
These results are now available online in full: 2015 Moose harvest statistics 2015 Sheep harvest statistics 2015 Mountain goat harvest statisticsanswered 3/29/2016
Q: Map planner measurement reset?
When making a mileage measurement on map planner I used to be able to clear the previous measurement to make another one. Now I have to leave map planner entirely and come back to it in order to make another measurement. Am I doing something wrong or did things change?A:
Good morning, I agree that the measurement tool isn’t terribly intuitive and it would be nice to be able to just take one measurement after another without having to re-open the tool and click any buttons. I updated the application code so now after you have made a measurement, the tool will stay active and you don’t have to go back into the Measurement Tool window to turn it on. To stop using the Measurement Tools, you still need to open the Measurement Tool window and click the ‘Clear Measurement Results’ button. What do you think? Is this better? Thanks for your feedback, Pamanswered 3/28/2016
Q: Can you hunt Waterfowl/ Migratory birds in Idaho with a shotgun suppressor/silencer?
Can you hunt Waterfowl/ Migratory birds in Idaho with a shotgun suppressor/silencer?A:
There is no state code preventing the use of suppressors for the purposes of hunting. other Applicable federal laws may come into play.answered 3/27/2016
Q: Felon archery hunting
I would just like clarification on the rule change. Can any felon archery hunt? The wording is just a little confusing and don't want to come to your state and do something illegal when it can be prevented. The wording explosive action and fewer restrictions are getting me. Contacted state police and they told me to contact you guys.A:
The answer provided below is a reprint from a similar question asked by another individual. Idaho no longer restricts felons' possession of archery equipment. In general, there are fewer restrictions for weapons that do not involve explosive action. PLEASE NOTE: Individuals convicted of felonies are responsible for doing their own research to see if the law allows them to possess firearms. Laws vary among states and the federal government as to the restriction and restoration of rights for convicted felons. Also note that, in Idaho, one does need a bowhunter certification to hunt in an archery only hunt. This past legislative season, the rules defining a firearm restriction were indeed changed. As of July 1, 2015, there are now fewer restrictions on what firearms that certain felons may possess. Idaho Code Section 18-3302 defines “firearm” as “any weapon that will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive.” This includes all guns using explosive force, including: rifles, shotguns, handguns, muzzleloaders and similar guns. Before July 1, 2015 there was a different and broader definition of firearm that no longer applies. Here are links to the basic Idaho laws on this subject: 3/27/2016
Q: Check-stations
Where on your website can I find the game-check stations in Ada, Canyon, and Gem Counties?A:
Game Check Stations are not posted on the website. Check stations have several purposes including collecting biological data and/or to help inform people of rules and regulations, and help with the enforcement of those rules and regulations. You are welcome to call the SW Region office in Nampa (465-8465) to discuss check stations in Ada, Canyon, and Gem counties.answered 3/26/2016
Q: feral cats
Do I need a trappers license to live catch feral cats in my own yard to protect my chickens?A:
No Fish and Game issued trapping license is needed to catch ferrel cats on your property. Ferel cats would not be classified as wildlife and would not fall under Fish and game jurisdiction. Ferel cats fall under state, county and city jurisdiction, and therefore you should be aware of animal abuse laws. I would consult with animal control agents in your local jurisdictionanswered 3/26/2016
Yes you can to hunt waterfowl.answered 3/26/2016