I'll be going to the store in a couple days for trout lures. i was wondering what type of lure is best for trout in the Boise River? my other question is how do I pick the right type of color? Should I just pick ones that I think will work and experiment with them?
Based on my own personal experience, I would recommend smallish in-line spinners. Common brands include blue fox or mepps. Personally, I have caught trout on silver or blue and silver, blue fox spinners in size one to three. Alternatively, you might want to try small (2-3.5") "stick" baits. Common brands include rapala, storm, or others. Lastly, you might consider black or brown marabou jigs. You will see other anglers on the Boise River that prefer bait (primarily worms or eggs) or fly fishing (primarily nymphs or streamers), which would be other options. Please be reminded that for the most part, the daily bag limit is six trout except for a small section in east Boise.
Answered on:
Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 9:46 AM MDT