Searched the reservoir on google maps and cant identify anything that would look like a public access point with boat ramp. I believe the BLM Milner rec site west of Burley would qualify. This is a really large reservoir to not have sportsman access points, and a long drive from Montpelier to search all the possibilities. any information would be greatly appreciated, Thanks for your time.
There are several public and commercial access sites on Milner Reservoir. Start by searching parks in Burley and Heyburn.
The best site is Lud Drexler Park in Burley where Overland Road crosses the Snake River. The BLM "Milner Historic Recreation Area" located 9 miles south of Burley also has a ramp and camping amenities. Search key words BLM Milner Reservoir for images and information on some of the most popular Milner Reservoir sites.
Answered on:
Monday, April 11, 2016 - 11:51 AM MDT