anthophyta Phylum

Life / plantae / anthophyta

Idaho Species

Species in this classification. To view subspecies, varieties and populations select the species.
Scientific Name Common Name Echelon ID
Abronia elliptica Dwarf Sandverbena Species 43328
Abronia fragrans Fragrant White Sand-verbena Species 46750
Abronia mellifera White Sand Verbena Species 41694
Abutilon theophrasti Velvet-leaf Species 45936
Acer glabrum Mountain Maple Species 46498
Acer grandidentatum Bigtooth Maple Species 61750
Acer negundo Box-elder Species 58750
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Species 43692
Achillea ptarmica False Sneezewort Species 48717
Achnatherum hymenoides Indian Mountain-ricegrass Species 52179
Achnatherum occidentale Western Needlegrass Species 76940
Achnatherum thurberiana Thurber's Needlegrass Species 47555
Achnatherum x bloomeri Bloomer's Moutain-ricegrass Species 78657
Aconitum columbianum Columbia Monkshood Species 54056
Acorus americanus Sweetflag Species 40027
Acroptilon repens Russian Knapweed Species 43233
Actaea rubra Red Baneberry Species 44883
Adenocaulon bicolor American Trail-plant Species 61532
Adonis aestivalis Summer Adonis Species 50537
Adonis annua Pheasant's Eye Species 49098
Aegilops cylindrica Jointed Goatgrass Species 45961
Aegopodium podagraria Bishop's Goutweed Species 48359
Agastache cusickii Cusick's Giant-hyssop Species 59431
Agastache urticifolia Nettle-leaf Giant-hyssop Species 46008
Ageratina herbacea Fragrant Thorough-wort Species 42796
Ageratina occidentalis Western Joepye-weed Species 56680
Agoseris aurantiaca Orange-flowered False-dandelion Species 58692
Agoseris glauca Pale False-dandelion Species 45526
Agoseris grandiflora Large-flower False-dandelion Species 51158
Agoseris heterophylla Annual False-dandelion Species 59365
Agoseris lackschewitzii Pink Agoseris Species 61302
Agoseris retrorsa Spear-leaf False-dandelion Species 45126
Agrimonia striata Woodland Agrimony Species 53676
Agropyron cristatum Crested Wheatgrass Species 55032
Agrostemma githago Common Corncockle Species 43462
Agrostis capillaris Colonial Bentgrass Species 46627
Agrostis diegoensis Leafy Bentgrass Species 53343
Agrostis exarata Spike Bentgrass Species 47477
Agrostis gigantea Giant Bentgrass Species 61707
Agrostis humilis Mountain Bentgrass Species 48268
Agrostis idahoensis Idaho Bentgrass Species 52198
Agrostis oregonensis Oregon Bentgrass Species 46971
Agrostis rossiae Ross' Bentgrass Species 46628
Agrostis scabra Rough Bentgrass Species 42106
Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bentgrass Species 52093
Agrostis thurberiana Thurber's Bentgrass Species 61026
Agrostis variabilis Variable Bentgrass Species 58409
Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven Species 53251
Aira caryophyllea Silvery Hairgrass Species 57096
Alcea rosea Hollyhock Species 55072
anthophyta Classes