Anthophyta Phylum

Life / Plantae / Anthophyta

Idaho Species

Species in this classification. To view subspecies, varieties and populations select the species.
Scientific Name Common Name Echelon ID
Primula parryi Parry's Primrose Species 58883
Primula sp. 1 Wilcox's Primrose Species 50482
Proboscidea louisianica Louisiana Unicorn-plant Species 53138
Prosartes hookeri Hooker's Mandarin Species 39499
Prosartes trachycarpa Rough-fruited Mandarin Species 54799
Prunella vulgaris Self-heal Species 50524
Prunus domestica European Plum Species 61558
Prunus emarginata Bitter Cherry Species 53432
Prunus mahaleb Perfumed Cherry Species 46931
Prunus spinosa Blackthorn Species 61559
Prunus virginiana Choke Cherry Species 45004
Psathyrostachys juncea Russian Wildrye Species 1334105
Psathyrotes annua Annual Brittlebrush Species 53456
Pseudognaphalium canescens Wright's Cudweed Species 55078
Pseudoroegneria spicata Bluebunch Wheatgrass Species 43488
Pseudostellaria jamesiana Sticky False-starwort Species 52205
Pseudostellaria oxyphylla Robust Starwort Species 54113
Psilocarphus brevissimus Round Woolly-heads Species 59283
Psilocarphus elatior Tall Woolly-heads Species 49288
Psilocarphus oregonus Oregon Woolly-heads Species 45775
Psilocarphus tenellus Slender Woolly-heads Species 40871
Psilostrophe bakeri Baker's Paper-flower Species 54805
Psoralidium lanceolatum Lance-leaf Scurfpea Species 46956
Pterospora andromedea Giant Pinedrops Species 41127
Pteryxia petraea Rock Wavewing Species 55068
Pteryxia terebinthina Turpentine Wavewing Species 39957
Puccinellia distans Spreading Alkali Grass Species 46367
Puccinellia lemmonii Lemmon's Alkali Grass Species 39750
Puccinellia nuttalliana Nuttall's Alkali Grass Species 45732
Pulsatilla occidentalis Western Pasqueflower Species 58969
Pulsatilla patens American Pasqueflower Species 55575
Purshia stansburiana Stansbury's Cliffrose Species 54655
Purshia tridentata Antelope Bitterbrush Species 51770
Pyrola asarifolia Pink Wintergreen Species 43780
Pyrola chlorantha Green-flower Wintergreen Species 45037
Pyrola elliptica Shinleaf Species 46682
Pyrola minor Lesser Wintergreen Species 53085
Pyrola picta White-vein Wintergreen Species 55468
Pyrrocoma carthamoides Large-flower Goldenweed Species 48141
Pyrrocoma hirta Tacky Goldenweed Species 47011
Pyrrocoma insecticruris Bugleg Goldenweed Species 55520
Pyrrocoma integrifolia Entire-leaved Goldenweed Species 46335
Pyrrocoma lanceolata Lanceleaf Goldenweed Species 42339
Pyrrocoma liatriformis Palouse Goldenweed Species 47601
Pyrrocoma linearis Thinleaf Goldenhead Species 54794
Pyrrocoma racemosa Clustered Goldenweed Species 40272
Pyrrocoma radiata Snake River Goldenweed Species 56113
Pyrrocoma scaberula Rough Goldenweed Species 1563942
Pyrrocoma uniflora Plantain Goldenweed Species 61149
Ranunculus abortivus Kidneyleaf Buttercup Species 60384
Anthophyta Classes