Species Conservation Status

The Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System tracks species that are identified as having special conservation status in the following lists. Displaying 8301 - 8400 of 9686
Scientific Name Common Name Taxa Category USESA BLM USFS1 USFS4 GRank SRank SGCN ID
Senecio lugens Black-tip Groundsel Species Plant G5 SNR 42239
Senecio megacephalus Nuttall's Ragwort Species Plant G4 SNR 45857
Senecio rapifolius Idaho Ragwort Species Plant G4? SNR 46716
Senecio serra Tall Groundsel Species Plant G5 SNR 54304
Senecio serra var. serra Tall Groundsel Variety Plant G5T4T5 SNR 86344
Senecio sphaerocephalus Rough-head Groundsel Species Plant G4G5 SNR 53628
Senecio streptanthifolius Cleftleaf Ragwort Species Plant G5 S3 56337
Senecio streptanthifolius var. borealis Variety Plant G5TNRQ SNR 86478
Senecio streptanthifolius var. laetiflorus Gay-flowered Groundsel Variety Plant G5T3Q SNR 88968
Senecio streptanthifolius var. oodes Rocky Mountain Butterweed Variety Plant G5TNRQ SNR 85837
Senecio streptanthifolius var. rubricaulis Cleftleaf Ragwort Variety Plant G5TNRQ SNR 84549
Senecio streptanthifolius var. streptanthifolius Cleftleaf Ragwort Variety Plant G5T5?Q SNR 86599
Senecio triangularis Arrow-leaf Groundsel Species Plant G5 SNR 54379
Senecio vulgaris Old-Man-in-the-Spring Species Plant GNR SNA 61801
Senotainia trilineata A Flesh Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473736
Senotainia vigilans A Flesh Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473737
Sepedon praemiosa A Marsh Fly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476605
Sepsis biflexuosa A Black Scavenger Fly Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1473738
Sepsis neocynipsea A Black Scavenger Fly Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1473745
Sepsis punctum A Black Scavenger Fly Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1473746
Serica anthracina A Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473747
Serica barri A Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1473748
Sericoda bembidioides A Ground Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476938
Sericostriata surdickae A Caddisfly Species Invertebrate G3 S3 Tier 3 27955
Serratella micheneri A Mayfly Species Invertebrate G5 SNR 78100
Serropalpus substriatus A False Darkling Beetle Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 73342
Setabara histrionica A Sawfly Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476939
Setagrotis pallidicollis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 1474914
Setagrotis radiola A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474916
Setagrotis vocalis A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S3 1474918
Setaria glauca Yellow Foxtail Species Plant GNR SNA 39759
Setaria parviflora Bristly Foxtail Species Plant G5 SNR 41773
Setaria pumila Yellow Bristle Grass Species Plant GNR SNA 42049
Setaria verticillata Bristly Bristle Grass Species Plant GNR SNA 42182
Setaria verticillata var. verticillata Variety Plant GNRTNR SNA 83126
Setaria viridis Green Bristle Grass Species Plant GNR SNA 40300
Setaria viridis var. viridis Green Bristle Grass Variety Plant GNRTNR SNA 85773
Setophaga americana Northern Parula Species Bird G5 SNA 16848
Setophaga caerulescens Black-throated Blue Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 17879
Setophaga castanea Bay-breasted Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19166
Setophaga citrina Hooded Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19256
Setophaga coronata Yellow-rumped Warbler Species Bird G5 S5 16356
Setophaga dominica Yellow-throated Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 19404
Setophaga fusca Blackburnian Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18518
Setophaga magnolia Magnolia Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18528
Setophaga nigrescens Black-throated Gray Warbler Species Bird G5 S4B 19942
Setophaga occidentalis Hermit Warbler Species Bird G4G5 SNA 15331
Setophaga palmarum Palm Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18379
Setophaga pensylvanica Chestnut-sided Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 18840
Setophaga petechia Yellow Warbler Species Bird G5 S5B 19972
Setophaga pinus Pine Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 16673
Setophaga ruticilla American Redstart Species Bird G5 S2B 16289
Setophaga striata Blackpoll Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 17741
Setophaga tigrina Cape May Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 17429
Setophaga townsendi Townsend's Warbler Species Bird G5 S5B 19626
Setophaga virens Black-throated Green Warbler Species Bird G5 SNA 15330
Setvena bradleyi Alberta Springfly Species Invertebrate G4 S3 29921
Shepherdia argentea Silver Buffaloberry Species Plant G5 SNR 49358
Shepherdia canadensis Canada Buffaloberry Species Plant G5 SNR 55106
Sialia currucoides Mountain Bluebird Species Bird G5 S5B 18274
Sialia mexicana Western Bluebird Species Bird G5 S3B 16222
Sibbaldia procumbens Arizona Cinquefoil Species Plant G5 SNR 56694
Sicya macularia A Geometer Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S5 71228
Sidalcea neomexicana Rocky Mountain Checker-mallow Species Plant G4? SNR 53997
Sidalcea neomexicana ssp. crenulata Subspecies Plant G4?TNR SNR 84354
Sidalcea neomexicana ssp. neomexicana Rocky Mountain Checker-mallow Subspecies Plant G4?TNR SNR 83586
Sidalcea oregana Oregon Checkermallow Species Plant G5 SNR 55343
Sidalcea oregana var. maxima Oregon Checker-mallow Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 90051
Sidalcea oregana var. nevadensis Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 91615
Sidalcea oregana var. oregana Oregon Checker-mallow Variety Plant G5T4 SNR 89040
Sideridis fuscolutea A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474920
Sideridis maryx Maroonwing Moth Species Invertebrate G4 S3 22208
Sideridis rosea Rosewing Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 68136
Sideridis uscripta A Moth Species Invertebrate GNR S4 1474922
Sigara alternata A Water Boatmen Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476606
Sigara omani A Water Boatmen Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476607
Sigara washingtonensis A Water Boatmen Species Invertebrate GNR SNR 1476608
Silene acaulis Moss Campion Species Plant G5 SNR 40844
Silene acaulis var. exscapa Moss Campion Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 89607
Silene antirrhina Sleepy Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 59632
Silene conoidea Conoid Catchfly Species Plant GNR SNA 59333
Silene dichotoma Forked Catchfly Species Plant GNR SNA 54828
Silene douglasii Dougla's Campion Species Plant G4 SNR 54129
Silene douglasii var. douglasii Dougla's Campion Variety Plant G4T4 SNR 83585
Silene drummondii Drummond's Campion Species Plant G5 SNR 57415
Silene drummondii var. drummondii Drummond's Campion Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 91627
Silene drummondii var. striata Drummond's Campion Variety Plant G5TNR SNR 90558
Silene latifolia Bladder Campion Species Plant GNR SNA 60059
Silene latifolia ssp. alba White Campion Subspecies Plant GNRTNR SNA 91512
Silene menziesii Menzies' Pink Species Plant G5 SNR 51332
Silene menziesii var. menziesii Menzie's Pink Variety Plant G5T5 SNR 92023
Silene noctiflora Night-flowering Catchfly Species Plant GNR SNA 58381
Silene oregana Oregon Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 53667
Silene parryi Parry's Campion Species Plant G5 SNR 54827
Silene repens Creeping Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 58791
Silene repens ssp. australis Creeping Catchfly Subspecies Plant G5TNR SNR 84773
Silene scaposa Blue Mountain Catchfly Species Plant G4 S3 42050
Silene scaposa var. lobata Scapose Silene Subspecies Plant 4 G4T4 S3 86944
Silene scouleri Scouler's Catchfly Species Plant G5 SNR 41647
Silene scouleri ssp. scouleri Scouler's Catchfly Subspecies Plant G5T3T5 SNR 85655