Gap analysis: a geographic approach to protection of biological diversity

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Wildlife Monographs, Volume 123, p.3-41 (1993)

Call Number:




biodiversity, biological diversity protection, Conservation, gap analysis, Geographic Information System, GIS, land management, plant community mapping, vegetation


The conventional approach to maintaining biological diversity generally has been to proceed by species and threat by threat. We suggest that piecemeal approaches are not adequate by themselves to address the accelerating extinction crisis and, furthermore, they contribute to an unpredictable ecological and economic environment. Here, we describe a methodology called Gap Analysis, which identifies the gaps in representation of biological diversity (biodiversity) in areas managed exclusively or primarily for the long-term maintenance of populations of native species and natural ecosystems (hereinafter referred to as biodiversity management areas). Once identified, gaps are filled through new reserve acquisitions or designations, or through changes in management practices. The goal is to ensure that all ecosystems and areas rich in species diversity are represented adequately in biodiversity management areas. We believe this proactive strategy will eliminate the need to list many species as threatened or endangered in the future.
Gap Analysis uses vegetation types and vertebrate and butterfly species (and/or other taxa, such as vascular plants, if adequate distributional data are available) as indicators of biodiversity. Maps of existing vegetation are prepared from satellite imagery (LANDSAT) and other sources and entered into a geographic information system (GIS). Because entire states or regions are mapped, the smallest area identified on vegetation maps is 100 ha. Vegetation maps are verified through field checks and examination of aerial photographs.
Predicted species distributions are based on existing range maps and other distributional data, combined with information on the habitat affinities of each species. Distribution maps for individual species are overlaid in the GIS to produce maps of species richness, which can be created for any group of species of biological or political interest. An additional GIS layer of land ownership and management status allows identification of gaps in the representation of vegetation types and centers of species richness in biodiversity management areas through a comparison of the vegetation and species richness maps with ownership and management status maps. Underrepresented plant communities (e.g., present on only 1 or 2 biodiversity management areas or with a small total acreage primarily managed for biodiversity) also can be identified in this manner. Realization of the full potential of Gap Analysis requires regionalization of the state data bases and use of the data in resource management and planning.
Gap Analysis is a powerful and efficient first step toward setting land management priorities. It provides focus, direction, and accountability for conservation efforts. Areas identified as important through Gap Analysis can then be examined more closely for their biological qualities and management needs. As a coarse-filter approach to conservation evaluation, Gap Analysis is not a panacea. Limitations related to minimum mapping unit size (where small habitat patches are missed), failure to distinguish among most seral stages, failure to indicate gradual ecotones, and other factors must be recognized so that Gap Analysis can be supplemented by more intensive inventories.


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