A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (Genus Leptothorax) Hymenoptera: Formicidae

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Sociobiology, California State University, Chico, Department of Biological Sciences, Volume 36, Issue 2, p.265-444 (2000)

Call Number:





ants, Myrafant, Temnothorax


A New World species of the subgenus Myrafant [now called Temnothorax] are revised, and three keys are included: 1) an illustrated key to the workers based on characters, 2) a phylogenic key, and 3) a key to the Mexican and Guatemalan species (in Spanish). The keys are followed by diagnoses, distributions, and illustrations of all of the species. There are a total of 56 species now known from the New World, including 25 new species described in this paper. Species complexes are defined, including the andrei, andersoni, emmae, hispidus, lingispinosus, nitens, obturator, schaumii, silvestrii, striatulus, and tricarinatus complexes.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

Note: The author later gave the title of this 2000 article/monograph in Sociobiology as "A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, subgenus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)," but that is definitely not what appears (twice) in/on the publication itself.