Review of Desmona Denning, Monophylax Nimmo, and Psychoglypha Ross, with descriptions of 12 new species (Insecta. Trichoptera: Limnephilidae; Limnephilinae; Chilostigmini)

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Occasional Papers on Trichoptera Taxonomy, Volume 2, p.1-73 (2012)

Call Number:



Desmona, limnephilids, Monophylax, Psychoglypha


A closely knit group of three genera of chilostigmine limnephilids is examined. Included are Desmona Denning, Monophylax Nimmo, and Psychoglypha Ross. The three genera are keyed, as are species groups of Psychoglypha (seven). New species are Desmona denningi, Psychoglypha maderi, crateri, delli, ravallii, mesalis, denningi, patricius, burdicki, gallatinensis, roemhildi, and adamantina. Descriptions and illustrations are given for males and for females where known. Ten species of unassociated females are illustrated and described. Distribution maps and associated locality lists are provided. The introduction gives a taxonomic time-line outline of Psychoglypha.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates