Petition to list the straight snowfly (Capnia lineata Hanson, 1943) and the Idaho snowfly (Capnia zukeli Hanson, 1943) as endangered species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act

Publication Type:



The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Portland, OR, p.36 (2010)

Call Number:




Capnia lineata, Capnia zukeli, snowfly, SWAP


This petition seeks to protect the straight snowfly (Capnia lineata) and the Idaho snowfly (Capnia zukeli) by initiating the process with the USFWS to begin the review process that could lead to listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The authors believe that the best available scientific information indicates that both the straight snowfly and the Idaho snowfly are in imminent danger of extinction. Known solely from a small network of streams and creeks in Latah County, Idaho, on private land and the Palouse Ranger District of the Clearwater National Forest, these endemic and highly sensitive animals are threatened by habitat loss and degradation as well as climate change. The threats include 1) increased stream sediment and high stream temperatures caused by timber operations; 2) increased sediment, fertilizer, and pesticide pollution from agricultural crop production; 3) cattle grazing in and along the stream areas; 4) altered stream flow conditions from management of water levels at Spring Valley Reservoir; and 5) increased sedimentation, nutrients, and water temperature from development, including runoff from streets and discharges from Waste Water Treatment Plants. These stressors, in combination with the species’ limited ranges, limited dispersal ability, the inherent instability of small populations, and observed and projected stream water temperature and flow changes due to global climate change, collectively threaten these rare species with extinction. The straight and Idaho snowflies should be given immediate protection under the ESA. For each of the two species, this petition provides a species description, as well as information about population distribution and status, habitat requirements in relation to life cycle, and habitat status and condition. Current and potential threats are described. The petitioners request that the USFWS designate critical habitat for the two species concurrently with listing the species as endangered. A References section is included with this petition, as well as map appendices.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

Additional info: Petition submitted by The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and Friends of the Clearwater.

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Jordan SF, Mazzacano C, Jepsen S, Black SH. 2010. Petition to list the straight snowfly (Capnia lineata Hanson, 1943) and the Idaho snowfly (Capnia zukeli Hanson, 1943) as endangered species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Portland (OR): Xerces Society. 36 p. [accessed 2015 Jun 1].