The mosquitoes of the northwestern United States

Publication Type:



USDA Agricultural Research Service, Washington, DC, p.111 (1972)

Call Number:




Aedes, Anopheles, Coquillettidia, Culex, Culiseta, mosquito, Orthopodomyia


This publication focuses on the mosquitoes recorded from Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. A handbook on the mosquitoes found in these states was published in 1952. Since then many new data have been obtained. Widely scattered information is included here on the species, their biology, taxonomy, distribution, economic importance, and methods used for control. Several sections not included in other USDA publications on mosquitoes have also been added. Most of the data on species distribution were compiled from collections made by the Entomology Research division during 1930–1967. However, some records were furnished by Washington State University, Oregon State University, University of Idaho, and the U. S. Publish Health Service, and some recent records by the Washington and Oregon State Health Departments. Limited records available from literature have also been included when they provided additional information.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates