Middle Fork Clearwater CFLRP Nongame Inventory Project: a preliminary analysis of gastropod survey data

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Lewiston, ID, p.[3] (2012)

Call Number:



Anguispira nimapuna, Nimapuna disc, Nimapuna tigersnail


Nimapuna tigersnail (or Nimapuna disc, Anguispira nimapuna) is a forest snail found only in the central panhandle of Idaho. Prior to this work, only a handful of locations had been recorded and little was known of the tigersnail's distribution or habitat associations. Our goal for this project was to survey the forest gastropod community across the Middle Fork Clearwater Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) project area to determine the proportion of area occupied by Nimapuna tigersnails.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

NOTE: See U12BAU01IDUS for the more complete report. Note also that the shapefiles, including ones that contain our OBSNOs, are located in the network folder for U12BAU01IDUS.