Little spotted bat in Idaho

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Journal of Mammalogy, American Society of Mammalogists, Volume 38, Issue 3, p.40 (1957)

Call Number:



Euderma maculatum, little spotted bat


On tile morning of June 23, 1953, I received a telephone call from Mrs. C. W, Floyd who lives 15 miles southwest of Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho. Mrs. Floyd stated that she had found a peculiarly colored bat in her driveway that morning. It proved to be an adult of the little spotted bat, Euderma maculata. So far as I know, this is the first record of this species in Idaho. Caldwell is also the farthest north this bat has been found. It may or may not be significant that there had been an unusual storm with a strong southwest wind for the two previous days. One wonders if the bat could have been carried beyond its more southern habitat by these high winds. This might also account for its exhausted condition. The animal was alive when found but died a few hours later. The specimen is now in the Biology Department Collection at The College of Idaho in CaldweIl.


Reference Code: A57TUC01IDUS

Full Citation: Tucker, H. M. 1957. Little spotted bat in Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy 38(3): 406.