Horizontal partition of the breeding territory of the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Fauna norvegica Seria C, Cinclus, NTNU Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, Volume 5, p.93-94 (1982)

Call Number:



Picoides tridactylus, Three-toed Woodpecker


524 observations of flight-directions of male and female Three-toed Woodpeckers to and from one nest within a radius of 25- 50 m have been noted, all during the nestling period. Chi-square-tests showed significant polarisation of the breeding territory between the male and female. The conclusions did not change if only the inflight or outflight directions were used. or the whole material was combined. When the male disappeared from the nest for a period, there was no significant change in the pattern of use of the territory by the female. On the other hand, when the female disappeared from the nest towards the end of the breeding period. there was a significant change in the pattern of use of the territory by the male.


Reference Code: A82SOL01IDUS

Full Citation: Sollien, A., B. Nesholen, and J. E. Fosseidengen. 1982. Horizontal partition of the breeding territory of the three-toed woodpecker Picoides tridactylus. Fauna norvegica Seria C, Cinclus 5: 93-94.