Grizzly bears in the southern Selkirk Mountains

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Northwest Science, Northwest Scientific Association, Volume 52, Issue 2, p.77-91 (1978)

Call Number:



grizzly bear, Ursus arctos


Records of grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) sightings, incidents, and kills within the Selkirk Mountains of northern Idaho, northeastern Washington, and adjacent British Columbia provide evidence that the bear has been a resident in the area from historic time to date and that a small remnant population of grizzly bears is extant. Seventy sight records, or incidents, and 38 reported kills since the turn of the century have been mapped to determine the general range and habitat for the grizzly bear in this geographic area. Anomalies exist concerning previous reporting and apparent knowledge regarding this bear population: it has at different times been reported extirpated, transient, or simply overlooked. There exists confusion and lack of knowledge on the status and management of this grizzly population in the U.S. Habitat alteration through road construction, logging, and transmission line building in the southern Selkirk Mountains has been accelerating in recent years, and a critical need for additional studies on the grizzly bear and its habitat in this area is evident.


Reference Code: A78LAY01IDUS

Full Citation: Layser, E. 1978. Grizzly bears in the southern Selkirk Mountains. Northwest Science 52(2): 77-91.