Ecological integrity assessment: northern Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine woodland and savanna. Version 2.23.2011

Publication Type:



Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA, p.10 (2011)

Call Number:




Northern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Woodland and Savanna, ponderosa pine woodland, SWAP


Ecological integrity can be defined as “the structure, composition, and function of an ecosystem operating within the bounds of natural or historic range of variation.” An Ecological Integrity Assessment (EIA) rates the current ecological integrity of an occurrence of a plant association or ecological system. NatureServe and the Natural Heritage Network have developed the EIA as an index of ecological integrity based on metrics of biotic and abiotic condition, size, and landscape context. Each metric is rated by comparing measured values with the expected values under relatively unimpaired conditions (i.e., operating within the natural range of variation). The ratings are aggregated into a total score or a scorecard matrix. A rating or score for individual metrics, as well as an overall index of ecological integrity, are communicated with the scorecard. The EIA can be applied to multiple spatial scales (e.g., landscape or site-scale) and with a variety of data types (e.g., GIS or field-based). EIAs are developed for individual ecological systems using a three-level approach to identify a suite of metrics: Level 1 (remote sensing), Level 2 (rapid ground-based), and Level 3 (intensive ground-based) metrics. This EIA is for the northern Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine woodland and savanna ecological system. The information provided by the EIA can be used for setting conservation priorities, identifying restoration strategies, and monitoring the effectiveness of conservation actions.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation (with colon removed after Version to better suit CSE style for "edition" info):
[WNHP] Washington Natural Heritage Program. 2011. Ecological integrity assessments: northern Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine woodland and savanna. Version 2.23.2011. Olympia (WA): Washington State Department of Natural Resources. 10 p. [accessed 2015 Dec 10].