An ecological assessment of western streams and rivers

Publication Type:



U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, p.49 (2005)

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This report presents an ecological assessment of non-tidal streams and rivers across 12 states of the western United States, based on the results of a unique and experimental monitoring program implemented through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) during the years 2000–2004. The two major objectives were to document the overall condition of the vast network of streams and rivers of the western U.S. and to demonstrate the utility and flexibility of an EMAP-like approach to environmental monitoring and assessment at this regional scale. The assessment is divided into two major categories. The first is the measurement of the ecological condition of streams and rivers in the West by direct measurements of their resident biological assemblages: aquatic vertebrates and benthic macroinvertebrates. The second is an assessment of the relative importance of potential stressors on those assemblages, based on direct measures of their chemical, biological, and physical habitat.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Multiple Species; ELECTRONIC FILE - Ecology

Recommended citation: Stoddard, J. L., D. V. Peck, S. G. Paulsen, J. Van Sickle, C. P. Hawkins, A. T. Herlihy, R. M. Hughes, P. R. Kaufmann, D. P. Larsen, G. Lomnicky, A. R. Olsen, S. A. Peterson, P. L. Ringold, and T. R. Whittier. 2005. An Ecological Assessment of Western Streams and Rivers. EPA 620/R-05/005, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation [with publisher added]:
Stoddard JL, Peck DV, Paulsen SG, Van Sickle J, Hawkins CP, Herlihy AT, Hughes RM, Kaufmann PR, Larsen DP, Lomnicky G, et al. 2005. An ecological assessment of western streams and rivers. Washington (DC): US Environmental Protection Agency. Report No.: EPA 620/R-05/005.

Additional information: Information funded wholly or in part by the USEPA under contract no. 68-D-01-005 to Dynamac Corporation, cooperative agreement no. CR831682 to Oregon State University, and EPA STAR grant no. R-82863701