Distribution and population status of harlequin ducks in Idaho

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Wilson Bulletin, Wilson Ornithological Society, Volume 103, Issue 4, p.723-725 (1991)

Call Number:





Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, SWAP


The authors surveyed 75 mountain streams in northern, north-central, and southeastern Idaho between April and August, 1987-1990, to determine distribution, population status, habitat use, and breeding biology for harlequin ducks, considered an uncommon summer resident in the northern part of the state. Harlequin ducks were observed on 16 streams and broods on eight of those streams; in addition, reports were received of adults on 17 additional streams and broods on five other streams. Population densities on stream reaches used by harlequins averaged 0.15 pairs/km of stream. Surveys indicate that only a small number of harlequin ducks breed successfully in Idaho. Thirty-two pairs were observed in 1990, and only about a third (11) of those pairs produced broods. The authors estimate that the adult population resident in Idaho during the breeding season is fewer than 100 individuals, distributed primarily on 28 streams over approximately 38,000 km in northern and north-central Idaho.



SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Cassirer EF, Groves CR, Wallen RL. 1991. Distribution and population status of harlequin ducks in Idaho. [accessed 2015 Jun 1]; Wilson Bulletin. 103(4):723–725. https://sora.unm.edu/sites/default/files/journals/wilson/v103n04/p0723-p....

Stable link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4163107.