Distribution, abundance, and habitat of great gray owls in southcentral Oregon

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Murrelet, Pacific Northwest Bird and Mammal Society, Volume 68, Issue 2, p.45-49 (1987)

Call Number:



Great Gray Owl, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta, Pinus ponderosa, ponderosa pine, Strix nebulosa


During a field survey in 1984-1985, Great Gray Owls (Strix nebulosa) were located at 63 sites in southcentral Oregon, with both a male and female at 25 sites, individual males at 36 sites, and individual females at two sites. Eleven nests were located, including 10 in old platform nests built by diurnal raptors and one in a cavity in a large snag. We concluded that Great Gray Owls were widely distributed in southcentral Oregon, but were common only in a few areas where there were concentrations of appropriate habitat. Of the 63 sites where owls were located, 61 were in forests adjacent to meadows. Associations of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) or lodgepole pine and ponderosa pine (P. ponderosa) predominated at 59 sites, and mixed conifer associations predominated at four sites. We suggest that Great Gray Owls are declining in numbers in southcentral Oregon as a result of habitat loss, and we recommend protection of existing nest sites and erection of artificial nest platforms.


Reference Code: A87BRY01IDUS

Full Citation: Bryan, T., and E. D. Forsman. 1987. Distribution, abundance, and habitat of great gray owls in southcentral Oregon. Murrelet 68(2): 45-49.