Climate Change Sensitivity Database (CCSD)

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Call Number:




climate change


This website was designed to evaluate the sensitivity of species and ecological systems throughout the Pacific Northwest to climate change. For each species (searchable by key word, kingdom, realm, geography) or habitat of concern, the inherent climate-change sensitivities are summarized to provide resource managers and decision makers with some of the most basic and most important information about how species and systems will likely respond to climate change. Recent science updates are posted on the main page, and information specific to individual species and to particular systems (such as Forest: North Pacific Oak Woodland, Aridlands: Inter-Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush Shrubland, Freshwater: Rivers – Transitional, Non-floodplain, Forested & Unforested) is compiled and updated and can be accessed via simple searches on individual species or ecological systems.


Note: Michael Case, University of Washington (, in November 2014, said that this website/database is a collaboration of the University of Washington, The Nature Conservancy, and state and federal resource agencies in the Pacific Northwest and that it was originally "published" in approximately 2009.

Possible generic citation (based on M. Case suggestion BUT revised based on words that actually show on website home page early 2015: Climate Change Sensitivity Database (CCSD). 2014. A collaboration of the University of Washington, The Nature Conservancy, and state and federal resource agencies in the Pacific Northwest. Available at: [include access date here; a date range would be good when used for a large project].