Cave management program, Craters of the Moon National Monument - Idaho; draft

Publication Type:



Jex, Scott C.


U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, p.Paged by section (1993)

Call Number:



Lava tube caves are a significant component of Craters of the Moon National Monument. The caves are notable for their relatively young geologic age, excellent preservation of volcanic features and mineral deposits; as well as being an important source of water and shelter for area wildlife. The monument was established, in part, to help facilitate visitor use, scientific study, and preservation of these sensitive cave resources. At present, the monument contains more than 70 inventoried lava tube caves. This program has been developed to meet the requirements of the Federal Cave Resources Protection Act of 1988. The purpose of this Cave Management Program is to set procedures for the inventory of monument caves to include their geologic, biologic, hydrologic, archaelogic, historic, and related features; and to establish mapping procedures, monitoring systems, and access controls for the management, use, and protection of the caves. Finally, with this program in place, classification of the inventoried caves will proceed to specific action plans, as needed, to guide the use, development, research, restrictions, and/or closure of individual caves.


Reference Code: U93JEX01IDUS

Full Citation: Jex, S. C. 1993. Cave management program, Craters of the Moon National Monument - Idaho. Draft. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Paged by section.
