Biological resources survey of emitter sites, simulated target areas and associated rights-of-way for the enhanced training in Idaho Juniper Butte Range, Owyhee County, Idaho

Publication Type:



U.S. Air Force, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Issue Prepared for: US Air Force, Air Combat Command (Langley AFB, VA) and US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District (TX), Mountain Home, ID, p.27 + appendices (1999)

Call Number:



Centrocercus urophasianus, Greater Sage-Grouse


This report presents the results of biological resource surveys requested for the environmental impact assessment process for the Enhanced Training in Idaho (ETI) Juniper Butte Range in southwest Idaho. The project area consisted of 31 locations throughout eastern Owyhee County. Goals were 1) to identify and record any rare plants and characterize habitat within the area of potential effect required by the Air Force for rights-of-way to be issued by the Bureau of Land Management; 2) to identify and record in each area any indication of use by federally listed or BLM-sensitive species and evaluate the potential of each area to support listed or sensitive wildlife; and 3) to assess the effect that granting the rights-of-way could have on any significant biological resources identified. Thirty rights-of-way were examined for the presence of rare plants and sensitive wildlife. During follow-up surveys in 1999, three potential rare plant habitats were documented, but no rare plant species were located. Sage grouse were observed at two sites, and sage grouse droppings were observed at 8 emitter sites. Several sites have limited potential to support other BLM sensitive wildlife species, but none were observed during initial or follow-up surveys.
