Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
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Ralston & Associates.  1997.  1996 ESA snail investigations mollusc sampling survey: upper Snake River, Idaho.  
Ralston & Associates.  1998.  1997 ESA snail investigations mollusc sampling survey: upper Snake River, Idaho.  
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Ramos J.A, del Nevo A.J.  1995.  Nest-site selection by roseate terns and common terns in the Azores.  Auk.  112:580-589.
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Randel U..  1975.  The relationships of Papaver pygmaeum from the Rocky Mountains to the North American Papaver kluanense and other northeast Asiatic representatives of the section Scapiflora in comparision with Papaver alpinum (Papaveraceae).  Feddes Repert.  86(1-2):19-38.
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Ransome DB, Sullivan TP.  1997.  Food limitation and habitat preference of Glaucomys sabrinus and Tamiasciurus hudsonicus.  Journal of Mammalogy.  78(2):538-549.  Available from
Raphael MG, Wisdom MJ, Rowland MM, Holthausen RS, Wales BC, Marcot BG, Rich TD.  2001.  Status and trends of habitats of terrestrial vertebrates in relation to land management in the interior Columbia river basin.  Forest Ecology and Management.  5502(2001):1-25.
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