Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Robinson JA, J. Reed M, Skorupa JP, Oring LW.  1999.  Black-necked stilt (Himantopus mexicanus).  Birds of North America Online.  (449)  Available from
Robinson JA, J. Reed M, Skorupa JP, Oring LW.  1999.  Black-necked stilt (Himantopus mexicanus). Poole A, Gill F., editors. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the American Ornithologists' Union.   p. 32.  Available from
Anonymous.  1999.  The (boys) bats of summer.  
Roberts H.B.  1999.  Breeding bird surveys on eight selected riparian areas on the BLM Challis Resource Area, Custer and Lemhi Counties, Idaho, final report.  
Rotenberry J.T, Patten M.A, Preston K.L.  1999.  Brewer's sparrow (Spizella breweri). No. 463.  
Allen B..  1999.  Checklist of Maine mosses.  Evansia.  16(1):28-43.
Richardson CA, Henderson DM.  1999.  Classification and ordination of the alpine plant communities of Railroad Ridge, White Cloud Peaks, Idaho.  Great Basin Naturalist.  59:63-78.
Funk CW, Dunlap WW.  1999.  Colonization of high-elevation lakes by long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) after the extinction of introduced trout populations.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  77(11):1759-1767.  Available from
Bowes BG.  1999.  A color atlas of plant propagation and conservation. Bronx (New York): New York Botanical Garden Press.  
Campbell K.K, Hardegree S.P, Novak S.J.  1999.  Comparison of seed germination characteristics among populations of Bromus tectorum: genetic and environmental determinants.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  35(1):9.
Martin E., Novak S.J.  1999.  Composition and cover of epiphytic lichens on Pseudtosuga menziesii and Populus tremuloides in southwestern Idaho.  Evansia.  16(3):105-111.
Poulin M., Rochefort L., Desrochers A..  1999.  Conservation of bog plant species assemblages: Assessing the role of natural remnants in mined sites.  Applied Science.  2:169-180.
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1999.  Conservation strategy for Spokane River Basin wetlands.  
Jankovsky-Jones M.  1999.  Conservation strategy for wetlands in east-central Idaho.  
Lewis L.  1999.  Copies of 1999 bat survey field forms [for surveys on Bureau of Land Management lands in Idaho].  
Munts M.  1999.  Craters of the Moon National Monument 1998 annual breeding bird survey.  
Munts M.  1999.  Craters of the Moon National Monument breeding bird survey 1999.  
ACC.  1999.  Creation of permanent points for long-term monitoring of vegetation at the Juniper Butte Training Range, June-July 1998.  
Bohn C..  1999.  Day roost selection by silver-haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) and the effects of a selective timber harvest on bat populations in Caribou National Forest.  :89pp.
Interagency Lepidium Papilliferum Group(ILPG).  1999.  December 7 meeting notes: discussion of programs/activities with high risk potential for slickspot peppergrass management (draft).  
Merrill T., Mattson D.J, Wright R.G, Quigley H.B.  1999.  Defining landscapes suitable for restoration of grizzly bears Ursus arctos in Idaho.  Biological Conservation.  87:231-248.
Godfrey B..  1999.  Delineation of agroclimate zones in Idaho.  :104pp..
[Anonymous].  1999.  Department of Energy. Memorandum from the Department of Energy to The Nature Conservancy regarding establishment of the INEEL sagebrush steppe ecosystem reserve.  
Peterson K.L, Best L.B.  1999.  Design and duration of perturbation experiments: implications for data interpretation.  
[Anonymous].  1999.  Designing a report on the state of the nation's ecosystems: selected measurements for croplands, forests, and coasts & oceans.